Chapter five

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I woke up to Lily staring me down. I screamed in shock as I hid under the covers. She laughed at my surprise.

"I scared ya didn't I? Ha!" She laughed pulling the covers from me. I glowered at her and jerked the covers back from her.

"Whatever chief." She was now the proud chief of the village right after her father.

"Red, there is a village meeting with all the people, and the pack who attacked us a couple of weeks ago is gonna join us," Lily said.

"Alright," I responded getting up from my bed. I headed to the bathroom to freshen up. After I got myself dressed, I headed to town square where the meeting was held.

I sat next to Cosmo.

"Hey Red," he said, his beautiful brown eyes shining at me. I gave him a bashful smile.

"Hi," I said back.

"What do you think is gonna happen?"

I was distracted by Gordon who was sitting next to what seems to be the pack leader. "What did you say?"

He sighed. "Never mind."

The meeting begun with the pack leader standing up to speak.

"People of the village, I give my condolences to your chief who was killed in the attack-"

"That you caused!" Amelia shouted.

He gave her a disgusted look. "But I have spoken with your new chief, and we've agreed to spend one of yours and one of mine to retrieve the remain of the big bad wolf."

Murmurs filled the air. I wondered who was going to retrieve the remain. Lily stepped up. "Yes, I have agreed to send one of mine and one of his to retrieve the remains of the big bad wolf."

"What does the remain look like?" Julien asked.

The pack leader answered her question. "No one knows, but I think it's his skull."

"Or half of it," Gordon added.

He gave him a silencing glare. "I have made my decision but...ladies first."

Lily took a deep breath. "I chose Red to retrieve the remain."

Everyone gasped and looked at me. I had a hard time keeping the surprise off my face. Lily motioned me to come forward. I got up slowly from my seat and walked slowly to her. She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Red will represent the village," she announced. Everyone clapped unenthusiastically. The pack leader was next.

"I chose Gordon to retrieve the remain," he announced. "He will represent our pack."

The pack erupted with praise for Gordon, and his friends clasped him on the back. The pack leader turned to Lily.

"When do you think they should start their quest?" he asked.

"Hmm...tomorrow," she answered.

He turned to me and Gordon. "You have until tomorrow to prepare for your quest, good luck to you both."
I sat there on my bed while I watched my mom pack my things.

"I could help you if you need it," I offered. "I's my quest."

"Naw honey, I'm good..." She quickly slipped something in my bag that I didn't get a glance at.

"What was that mom?"

"Oh...just something in case he gets fresh..."

I open my bag to reveal condoms. "Really mom..."

"I want you to be protected dear."

"That's never gonna happen!"

She sighed and stroked my face. "Just preparing you ahead of time."

I gave her a hug. "I'll miss you mom."

She hugged me back. "I'll miss you too and I love you."

"I love you too."

She kissed me on the top of my head. "Good night."


She walked out of the room as I fell asleep. Then I had a dream; a vision.
I was walking in the woods when a figure appeared. I gasped. The big bad wolf was looking at me.

"My, my, have you grown," he said in his deep, slick voice.

"What do you want," I said with a quivering voice.

He looked at me with those piercing yellow eyes. "To see it you're worthy of retrieving my remains!"

He lunged at me with teeth and claws ready. I screamed and braced for the attack, but instead of sheering pain, he went through me and the scene changed. I was holding Cosmo in my arms. His body temperature was very low, and I was crying. Why was I crying? Then it hit me: he was dying in my arms. He smiled weakly and stroked my face softly.

"I've always loved you Red, since the moment I met you six years ago." He took a staggering breath in. "I know I'll never see you again, but I hope to see you in the afterlife." He softly kissed me on the cheek and died in my arms. Then in the corner of my eye, I saw the huntsman and his colleagues riding down on their horses slashing every wolf on sight. I heard my mom's death cry as the leader ripped her throat out, and Gordon laying there dead in his own pool of blood.

"You can prevent this Red, you can stop this and kill the leader who killed me...AVENGE ME LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD!!!!!!!"


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