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“Line up, girls, line up!” Madame yelled in her Russian accent.

They were at The Royal Ballet of London, and the auditions were about to start.

“Oh, I’m quite nervous…” Emma whispered, unsurely.

“Oh, I’m quite not!” Jane said. She was so sure of herself.

“ I’m quite nervous too,” Rose agreed with Emma.

“Ah! No talking.” Madame yelled as soon as she heard Jane, Emma and Rose conversing. Jane cracked a smile. Rose tried not to laugh. The moment was coming too soon;

“Celine Whitt.” Someone called from the other room, beckoning Celine inside, to audition.


“Hmm… well now I know how strict The Ballet of London is,” Emma said to Jane and Rose. It had been about an hour since the audition. They didn’t know who was accepted and who wasn’t, they were told they would receive a letter in the post tomorrow.

“I agree; wholeheartedly.” Rose admitted. Jane wasn’t even listening; she was eyeing the place with curiosity.

Just then Aunt Dahlia walked around the corner.

“Rose, it’s time to leave,” she called. Rose obeyed; she didn’t have a choice, really.

“Sorry. I want to stay and visit, but I can’t.” Rose explained honestly, “I hope to see you around London before we leave for Southampton,”

“Yes, I hope so!” Jane said excitedly.

“See you soon, Rose! Bye!” Emma said.

The ride back to the Starling Manor passed by surprisingly fast. Before she knew it, the carriage was pulling up the driveway.

Rose wondered where Carlisle was, and if he had found what to do with his life. Just as the sadness started taking over, the carriage came to a halt. Rose put on a smile and braced herself for the long line of never-ending questions.

“Goodnight, Rose,” Grandmother and Grandfather Starling said as Rose walked hurriedly up the stairs to her room. Emilie had already retired for the night; and so had Aunt Dahlia.

After washing her face and changing into her nightgown, Rose lay down in her bed. She didn’t feel like reading, which was odd, because whenever she was stressed or something was bothering her, reading and some hot tea was always the perfect cure. Her heart already ached: Carlisle and Alexander were gone, for who knows how long; and she missed her mother and father, and Eleanor terribly. She was also frightened of tomorrow, when the letter came from The Ballet of London. With thoughts spinning in her head, she decided to go to sleep; it wasn’t worth worrying, as her mother had always said.


“Roselyn, it’s time to wake up! Emilie, go fetch Rose, her letter has come!” Rose awoke to the dramatic sound of her Aunt’s voice. She forced her tired body to get out of bed, and walked unsteadily down stairs. Aunt Dahlia was holding the letter- which was unopened- in front of her. Rose was scared; she didn’t want to open it in front of everyone; because everyone was expecting her to be accepted.  She took the letter from Aunt Dahlia’s hands, and opened the envelope slowly. She took out the expensive-looking paper which was inside. It read:

Rose Starling Austen:

You have been accepted at The Ballet of London, due to auditioning yesterday.

A reminder to please keep in mind that The Ballet of London takes dancing very seriously, and will not tolerate tardiness or disrespect.

We have attached your information form in this envelope: please fill out all of the information.



 Rosalind Smith (of The Ballet of London)

“Oh my goodness,” Rose said, and almost fainted with astonishment.

Aunt Dahlia could hold it no longer: she grabbed the letter out of Rose’s hands and read it hastily.

“Rose, darling; oh dear, you got accepted!” She screeched, in her dramatic voice which Rose hated.

“I’m so happy for you, Rose!” Emilie said, not quite as loudly, but still with excitement.

“Ah, our Rose has been accepted, Amelia!” Grandfather George Starling called. Grandmother Amelia came running, and congratulated Rose as well.

After the excitement had somewhat calmed, Rose decided to retire for the night. Although it was only nine o’clock, she wanted the next few days to pass quickly, so she could return home to the Austen Manor.

 As she lay in bed, she wondered if Jane and Emma had been accepted as well. One thing was for sure, Emma had been accepted. Her love for ballet was stronger than everyone else in ballet class in Southampton.

Change was coming for Rose: her mother was expecting a baby, and she was to perform at The Ballet of London. Her free time would definitely be limited, and Rose didn’t like that. But she had no choice. When you’re part-royal with high-expectant parents who are The Duke and Duchess of Southampton, you’re not permitted to choose anything at all.

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