.: Prologue :.

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"I've heard they're now able to tweak humans into ghouls", Dan heard from the people in the booth sitting behind him as he knocked back another shot with his friends, Kyle, Will and Woody. "As if ghouls aren't already such a big problem here."

Kyle ordered another round of shots while shooting some flirty glances at the waitress and stroking his mustache. Dan could feel himself getting tipsy in an instant as he started to lean onto Woody.

At the other side of him Will traced the edges of his glass of whiskey silently as he seemed to be consumed by his own thoughts. He hadn't participated with the boys at taking shots and had been a bit absent-minded all night long.

"Did you hear the news this morning?" Will suddenly spoke up. "I've heard about that gang of ghouls occupying the the 23th District of London, one of the biggest Districts of the city. How long would it even take before they've taken all of London?"

"The CCG's already on it, Will. There's no need to worry", Woody mumbled, struggling with the words as he spoke. A new batch of shots arrived and Dan, Kyle and Woody immediately knocked 'em back without second thought. "Though I did see some of them nearby.."

Will nodded seriously and took a sip of his whiskey with a severe look on his face. Will had always been quite the careful type. His eyes scanned the surrounding cautiously as he took everything in. His parents were killed by ghouls. That's why he's always on top of the latest facts involving the ghouls.

"Why are we bringing this up now anyway?" Kyle interrupted the conversation and once again ordered some more shots and another whiskey for Will. "Aren't we gathered here to celebrate Dan's birthday?"

Woody nudged Dan when Kyle had said that. But the birthday boy was taken in by his own thoughts as well that he didn't even notice what was going on. Even his thoughts had shifted to the whole ghoul affair and to what he had heard the people behind him say.

"Apparently they can make humans become ghouls as well", Dan then brought up. He looked up and Will caught his gaze, his eyebrows twitching ever so slightly. "Do you guys think it's true?"

"Could be", Will admitted. "But why would that even be a possibility? I mean, aren't normal ghouls already a problem? It would be stupid to create even more of them."

"Hmm." Dan nodded and didn't partake when Kyle and Woody took their shots. At least not immediately as he was thinking about what Will had just said. He was right, but Dan couldn't get the thought out of his head that people could be turned into ghouls. It send shivers down his spine.

Much time to think about it thoroughly wasn't granted to Dan as Woody and Kyle started encouraging him to take his shot. Dan did, it was his birthday after all, and immediately felt the alcohol get to him. His face started burning and Dan let out a goofy laugh. "Another?"


Staggering over the streets quite drunk, Dan saw the same traffic lights twice due to the alcohol and started laughing. He waved goodbye to his friends enthusiastically and then continued his way home. Dan couldn't walk in a straight line anymore and that proved to be a serious problem when he ran into the same telephone cabin a few times. "Oh, oops", he mumbled the fourth time and chuckled. "I didn't mean to run into you, miss."

Dan bowed to the girl that wasn't there and then prepared to cross the street. There wasn't a crosswalk nearby and Dan just decided to cross the street anyway. What could be the harm?

He looked left, then right, then left again and placed a foot down on the street. Dan didn't see any cars coming his way, so he could cross the streets, but little did he know that he hadn't looked very well...

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