Chapter 20

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I sat in silence as Marshall finished cleaning off some blood that Sean had left. I was so pissed at Sean for doing this. And then he thinks that just because he "looks" sorry means I'm going to forgive him? He's already done enough, why does he need to ruin my life even more?

Jane walked over to us. Since the fight, she hasn't even looked at her father. Hailie and Whitney were scared to be anywhere Sean, and so was everyone else. Either that or they scoffed at him or gave him dirty looks. She gets down and places her chin on Marshall's knee.

"Are you okay?" Jane said, looking shaken up.

I can't blame her. She just witnessed her father beat someone up who didn't do anything wrong. If she's shaken up like this, I can't imagine his kids.

"Yea I'm fine Jane," he replied, placing some ice over his jaw. It wasn't broken, but he claimed it hurt so.

"Cookie?" Jane offered a small cookie that she had stolen from the dessert counter.

He smiled a bit, and said "That very sweet, but I don't want any right now,"

"Jane, we're leaving soon why don't you grab your jacket honey, okay?" I told Jane.

She nodded, but left the cookie on a napkin next to him in case he wanted it. I noticed Hailie and Whitney sitting in silence at the opposite table. I decided to go make sure their okay.

"You guys alright?" I pulled up a chair next to both of them.

"Yeah, just kind of taken back by all this," replied Hailie, sort of looking at the floor.

"Yea we all are don't worry," I mumbled. I looked up at where he was sitting and he was gone. At first I thought he was back at Marshall, but he wasn't. He had officially gone home. Maybe he finally got the hint that we don't want him here.

"Why did he do that?" Whitney whimpered a bit.

I rubbed her back a little.

"I don't know. He's a terrible man who does terrible things to good people,"

We said our goodbyes and began walking out of the place. All I wanted to do was go home and lay down. I've had enough to deal with today. We all got into the car and drove away. Marshall sat in silence in the car as we drove back towards Kim's house. He was bringing Whitney and Hailie home tonight, due to Kim's request. Alaina had been dropped off by a friend earlier that day so we didn't really need to worry about her.

"Bye, Daddy! Feel better," said Hailie as her and her sister walked into their house.

He waved and got right back in the car. Jane fell asleep in the backseat as always. I stared up at Marshall as he started the car. He noticed and said,"What?"

"You okay?"I asked him.

"Ya,I'm fine. How many more times I gotta say it," he claimed, sounding very annoyed

I kind of shifted in my seat a little.

"I'm sorry I'm not in the best of moods right now," he apologized.

I nodded my head a little and looked back out the rear view window. We rode in silence.

When we got the his house, it was about 9:30 p.m. Marshall carefully pulled Jane out of the car and carried her to her bedroom. I had walked upstairs with him, but detoured into the bedroom. I sat down on the bed and thought about tonight. How does this all happen? But for real, where did Dominique find Sean? Did they, like, keep in touch all this time? Did they just run into each other on the street? I don't know, and I dont think I care. Marshall quietly walked in.

"Babe? Jane doesn't feel good," he said, poking his head through the door.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I don't know. She said her stomach hurts and she feels like throwing up,"

Suddenly, we heard the sound of Jane gagging in her bedroom. Marshall rushed over to her, and I followed behind. We both got in there to Jane throwing up on her bed sheets. Marshall cautiously walked closer to her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered quietly, grasping onto her stomach.

"It's okay, Jane," he whispered back. He got her back in his arms and slowly carried her out of the bed, rubbing her back. She somehow missed her pajamas, so the only thing with throw up was the bed. I voluntarily stripped the new sheets from her bed. As I did so, I heard Jane whisper something to Marshall.

"Why did my daddy hurt you?" she questioned.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Does your boo boo hurt?" I heard her comment again. I gave a slight snicker to that, and so did Marshall.

"It hurts a little,"

Last thing I heard before I got the last of her blankets and sheets off was her give him a small kiss on a scar he had near his eye. She is a cutie pie.

"We need to wash the sheets now," I suggested.

"I'll take it down," Marshall offered.

He put Jane down and grabbed a few of the sheets. I grabbed whatever he couldn't and we both carried them down to the laundry room. Once we made it down there, we threw her sheet in the washing machine. He did the rest.

"I hope you know your daughter is a sweetheart. You did good with her," he winked as he closed the washing machine.

I blushed a bit. "Thank you,"

We walked back upstairs. Jane was standing exactly where we left her.

"What are you doing" I asked her.

She shrugged a bit. "I'm tired," she said.

"Well you'll have to wait a little bit until you get your sheets," Marshall said, getting down on his knees to be at her level.

"But I wanna sleep with you and Mommy," she whimpered to him.

He looked up at me, and I looked back at him. Jane has never slept with me. Not even when she was a baby did she ever ask to sleep with me. What's gotten into her?

"If you want, I guess it's okay. As long as your mom is okay with it,"

I shook head with approval. She then got really happy and ran straight towards me and Marshall's bedroom. Marshall and I were left laughing a bit before we stood up and walked back towards the bedroom. Jane was already crashed in the center of bed, under the covers and all. I slipped in bed next to her, and Marshall left to change out of his clothes. I laid down and just thought about how sweet Marshall is to Jane.

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