Final quotes

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1. "I ate my twin in the womb" -Lily


2. "Hands in Bellas, Hands in Aca-bitches" -Aubry


3. "You are one of those acapella girls, I'm one of those acapella boys and we're going to have aca-children. It's inevitable." - Jesse


4. "How long has that little guy been in there?" -Jesse  "Several Days." -Benji


5. "Why do you have Bumpers number?" -Aubry "....UMmmmm.......Uh ......I .........Eeeeeeeeeeeeh" - Fat Amy


6. "I can see your toner through your pants" -Aubry "NO that's my dick" -Becca


7. "Amy I thought that you filled up the tank." - Aubry " I did.....or not because I got hit by flying Mexican food." -Fat Amy


8. "I set fire to feel joy." -Lily "well that's adorable." -Donald


9. "I'm gonna melt that cabbage patch kid." - Fat Amy


10. " well your no panty dropper yourself." - Fat Amy

Thanks guys hope you enjoyed!

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