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Name: Jessica Whittemore
Birthday: June 1994
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brunette
Height: 5'3
Beep Beep Beep Beep I've got to get a different sound for this thing. I hit snooze for like the 5th time, I  decide it's time to get up,I take a shower and get dressed.I check my calender and i'm literally so excited to go to school tomorrow.I mean a normal teenager would hate school but it's better than being home alone my parents are usually at work all day but they call occasionally to compensate for the fact that they care more about their business than their own children.I spend all day in my room trying to pass the time counting the minutes til' I can go to school when my phone vibrates.
From: Stiles To:Jessica
911 Scotts house hurry!
"Really what have you idiots done now!"

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