Chapter 2 The Pain

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Chapter 2 - The Pain

As Astraea opened the door, she received glares and whispers from the unmated female wolves. She quickly averted her eyes to avoid any more confrontation. "This literally sucks already, I do not want to be here," Astraea murmured while lazily walking to her new prison cell. As she got to her room, she immediately threw herself onto the bed, almost bashing her head into the headboard.

After being in the room for a while, Astraea decided to explore the pack house to get acquainted with the environment. In a vast hall, she could hear the distinct voice of her best friend, Luella, talking to some girls who were known to terrorize her at school. The sound of this had her a little confused but Astraea did not pay any mind to it.

Astraea continued to stroll aimlessly through the hall, admiring the architectural structure of the pack house. The beautifully stained oak wood floors, catching the light of the victorian style chandelier amazed her. She absorbed the timeless beauty of the pack house, a place full of history and comradery. She uttered to herself "this might not be bad".

In the midst of being enraptured by the display before her, Astraea suddenly felt a throbbing pain across her cheek, this feeling was soon accompanied by a series of kicks and punches which left her weak and coughing up blood. The pain was unbearable, her ears now ringing from the many kicks to the head. The perpetrators then grabbed a fistfull of her hair, almost ripping it out her scalp and banged her head with force. With the final blow to the gut she collapsed to the floor, whimpering.

As she looked up, she saw a figure at the door. She hoped that it was her mate who might have finally rescued her from her current hell but unfortunately it was not. Betrayal washed over her like a raging wave, with the realization that the figure was none other than her 'best friend', Luella.

"I see you got my house-warming gift," she says with a venomous voice.

"But why Luella?" Astraea said sobbing, mentally suppressing the aching pains throughout her body.

"You will soon find out Astraea," Luella replied as she looked over the body of her former best friend, grinning at her disheveled state. Finally they all left her, curled up and battered. The points of impact were already swelling, the bruise marks already forming.

"Why is this shit happening to me! What have I ever done to her." Astraea screamed as she stared at the ceiling lifelessly. Her eyes almost mirrored death itself.

Part 2

Astraea woke up with excruciating pain and dehydration. Her eyes were puffy as she had been crying most of the night. She begrudgingly got out of bed, limping to the mirror that was conveniently placed all the way across the room. The meek girl examined her flaws, the unwanted features, her old and new scars. Her wounds gave her more reasons to hate herself. "I really really really hate it here." she thought while cringing from the pain.

Astraea staggered to the pack dining hall for breakfast. She was starving as she had not eaten dinner last night due to the ordeal. Her stomach growled especially loud as she approached the den of hungry wolves. The first person she saw was her brother, Trevor. She had the urge to express the trauma she experienced last night to him, however she could not. He would just shun her.

Astraea saw an empty seat, but it was next to the Alpha. She attempted to sit near him because it was her mate, thus cautiously approached the empty seat. "You are not sitting by me, you WHORE," he said in a menacing voice laced with poison.

She winced at the rejection. Tears pooled in her eyes as she looked at the people around the table who snickered. She glanced at Luella because this would be the part where her best friend would defend her, but it was not so. She suddenly lost her appetite and ran out of the dining hall.

"I miss my mom" Astraea yearned, while tears began to stream from her eyes. She quickly composed herself to begin her twenty minute trek to school.

Her misery did not end at school. She received her usual treatment from her pack mates and even some humans, and to make matters worse she did not have anyone to comfort her.

While walking home Astraea was lost in thought. She reflected about her brother and their messy relationship, her best friend's betrayal and her possible future. After she graduates she plans to escape this pack and move to Paris. It was always her dream from childhood. She longed to form a family bond and love them unconditionally.

Just after she arrives at the pack house, she walks to her room evading anymore of the werewolves. She was so consumed by her thoughts that she did not realize some packmates waiting for her in the hallway. Suddenly, they pulled her into a storage room. Like a deer caught in headlights, fear consumed her and she froze. The boys tied her mouth and bound her hands behind her back. They began to remove her clothes. She feared for the worse. "Mate save me please."

At that instant, someone barraged through the door. Astraea did not see the figure as her view started to fade to black.

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