Part 8

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Chapter 8

Sally's P.O.V

Sally was pulled from sleep by the click of the door. She tiredly blinked in the direction of the sterilised, white door and saw Annabeth staring in shock at Percy's limp form lying on the bed with all the wires and tubes protruding from his body. Sally quickly stood up and walked over to Annabeth, pulling her into a light hug as she broke down and cried on Sally's shoulder. Slowly, Sally moved the poor girl over to a chair next to Percy's bed and helped her sit down. Sally noticed that her father and step-mum had stayed out in the hallway, for which she was grateful.

Sally turned her head to look back at Percy. She'd been at the hospital sitting next to his bed for three days now, and if anything, he looked like he was getting worse. Paul and left after the first night so he could go to work and look after the apartment, but made sure he made afternoon visits everyday.

And every day Percy looked worse.

He had dark purple circles under his eyes, which the nurses had called racoon eyes, and deep, purple bruises behind his ears. Most of his minor lacerations had started to heal, but his legs were heavily bandages and kept reopening. His CT scan results had shown that Percy had indeed had blood clots surrounding his brain, but the neurosurgeons were almost 100 percent positive that they had fixed the swelling. The deep gash on his forehead was also heavily bandaged, but didn't seem to be opening up as often as his legs.

Sally glanced across the bed at Annabeth and saw silent tears roll down her face as she rubbed circles on the back of Percy's hand. Sally reached across the bed and placed her hand on top of Annabeth's.

"He'll be alright honey, he won't leave us. He won't leave you. He would never even dream of it."

Annabeth nodded and wiped her face with her free hand, them reached up and pushed Percy's fringe away from his forehead.

"I just want to see his eyes again," Her voice cracked and a fresh pool of tears welled up in her eyes.

As is reacting to her voice, Percy's voice hitched and he started to stir. It started slow; just a muffled moan and a slight twitch, but it escalated fast. Soon Percy was withering around on his bed, struggling for breath. The slight exhilaration Sally had felt at the prospect of her son waking quickly died as he started thrashing and she dived for the nurse call button.

Half a dozen nurses busted into the room, surrounding Percy and promptly push Annabeth and herself out of the room. Sally fought back though and forced herself back into the room just in time to see the nurses pull out the ventilator and Percy's eyes fly open.

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