chapter 3

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zayn carries me to the limo "hey whats my suprise?" "well you Eleanor and perrie are going shopping" liam says"cool um but what if they dont like me please they will love you"louis says "ok were home harry says "YEAH NOW I CAN GET SOME FOOD IN MY STOMACH"i think we all know who said that we all get out of the car 2 pretty girls meet me at the door "Hi you must be lexI I'm Eleanor and this is perrie"she says hugging me and then perrie does the same "were going shopping now guys bye"Eleanor says when we get to the mall we go to hollister and get a prettie dark blue dress and some silver sandles with dimands on them then we go to areopostal and get some more dresses and some prettie shirts by the end of the day we had been to practically every store in the mall my favorite outfit we got was a prettie white dress with ruffles at the bottom and a belt with a big flower on it and some brown sandles to go with it wehad so much fun when we got home Eleanor and perrie had to leave for 5 months they were soposed to leave 3 days ago but stayed to go shoping with me once they left harry made spaghetti while we were eating liam told me that we were going to have family pictures tomorrow and we were all wearing white so the boys are going to were white shirts and khakis we watch movies till about 12 "ok lexi go to your room time to go to sleep" "lou one problem" "which is" "where is my room" "oh right come on " we go down the hallway "this is liams room this is mine this is harry this is zayns and this is yours and this is the irish one" I walk in to the roo its so pretty and purple with a king size bed and a walk in closet and my own bathroom


"lexi wake up "5 idiots scream"no" "HEY ONLY JIMMY CAN PROTEST"louis screamed "ok I'm up I'm up now leave so I can get ready"I put on my white dress and curl my blonde hair into loose ringlets did my makeup put on a few bracelets and my leather sandles and go down stairs for breakfast "lexi you look so pretty "louis said "thanks lou" " hey we got you this by the way" he says handing me a white iphone5 "OH MY TACO PIZZA I LOVE IT THANK YOU " "of course love"louis said we got in the car and drove to a neer by park where we would get our pictures takin "hello my name is amy and ill be taking your pictures today" we got some pictures of all of us on a tree then one of me attempting to hold louis and one of me and liam hugging one of zayn giving me a piggyback ride and harry and niall holding my hands and legs swinging me back and forth we got pictures of all of them and got each of them made into I phone cases I put the one of all of us on the tree branch on mine so did the lads we got home and went to sleepy by

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