Chapter 3

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          After our miniature shopping spree, we strolled back to Hunter's car. He went over to the passenger side and popped open the door for me.

          "You know I am fully capable of opening a door by myself." I blatantly informed him.

          "Princess, there's nothing wrong with letting someone be your knight in shining armor." He gave me a pearly white smile which indignantly made me cross my arms, then shut the car door behind me.

          He slid into the driver's seat and turned on the engine. "I don't need a knight." I tried to ignore how defensive I sounded. I turned to him and looked him straight in the eye. "Me and you, or just me and anyone, are not going to happen, kay?"

          "Fine, fine, fine, fine. I get it princess, you don't want a knight at the moment so I'll settle for being your friend." He chuckled, lightly tapping his middle fingers on the steering wheel.

          We drove in a peaceful silence back to the school as Guns N' Roses played in the car. He pulled out of the car park and drove me towards the school to get my truck.

          I quickly left his McDonalds-wrapper-ridden car and made my way to my own truck.

          Hunter rolled down his window. "Your truck sucks, Kendra." I think it was the first time he called me by my name.

          I laughed at his attempts to gain my attention,"Not nearly as much as you." I quickly retorted.

          "I prefer to blow." He winked at me and sped out of the parking lot with rubber burning in his abandoned tracks.

          I drove slowly back to my house, hating the silence compared to Hunter's non-stop prodding. I would have turned on the radio but like most things in my truck, it didn't work.

No lights were on when I reached my home, so I guessed my mother was probably in her room asleep. Ben was at the door the second I pushed through it. Luckily, for a dog his size, he made very little noise. I spooned out some dog food into his dish, then choked down a soggy banana and forced my legs to haul my exhausted body up the stairs I fell asleep in no time with Ben at my feet, not even bothering to remove the days' old make up.

          After driving to school the next day, the second I left my pick-up truck, I was swarmed with questions from Natalie, Laura and Amy.

          "Where did you two go yesterday?"

          "Are you and Hunter a thing?"

          "Were you really going to kick Amber in the face?"

          I took a step back, overwhelmed by the surge of energy. "I just went to the mall to get a new shirt." I shouldered my book bag, beginning to make my way towards the school building, disapproving they're ridiculous theories of Hunter's and I's escapades."Hunter and I are not a thing, seriously, do you realize how annoying he is? Oh, and yes. Yes I was."

          "He should have let you." Amy snorted.

          The rest of the day was smeared past me in a blur. The only notable event that happened was that classes were even more boring than they were in my old school, shockers .  After school I followed Natalie back to her house in my pickup. The party was beggining at eight but we were told to be there at seven.

          As we walked in the door, we heard a deep, rough voice call out, "Who owns that heap of trash in the driveway?"

"Hey, you leave her alone." I called back defensively. I hated when people dissed my truck, it had been my father's and there was no way in hell I was getting rid of her.

A tall, well-built boy with straight brown hair and matching coloured eyes walked into the entryway. His eyes softened when he looked at me. I could feel a rush of warmness going to my cheeks.

"Kendra this is Matt, Matt this is Kendra." Natalie introduced us. "He is my lame-o brother and she is my new friend, which you unfortunately are unable to ward off this time with your stunts. She has a high tolerance for asshole."

"It's nice to meet you Kendra. I didn't mean to... Ahem be mean about your pick-up." He flashed a pearly white smile at me. I had to say he was attractive. He wore a tight grey t shirt and matching sweatpants. Normally, that combination was awful but somehow he pulled it off.

"Could you stop checking out my brother, please?" Natalie groaned, pulling me out of my day dream.

I blushed again. "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts" I mumbled.

Natalie grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the stairs. I quickly glanced back towards Matt, who still had his eyes on me and I had to admit, I was enjoying it.

I was surprised by how large her room was. She had a walk in closet, a bathroom all to herself and a king sized bed.

"Let me show you the dress." She said enthusiastically. She went into her closet and three minutes later appeared with a short black bodycon dress with long sleeves and a zip at the front.

"I think it's a bit short..."

"Wait until you see what I'm wearing." She skipped back to the closet, paying no heed to my earlier comment. She came back in a skin-tight leather mini skirt and a purple lace crop top. Even I had to admit she looked hot.

I straightened my hair as Nat did her make up. She then insisted on doing mine, and I reluctantly obliged. I got to see myself very briefly in her standing mirror. I was pleasantly surprised with how I looked. 

By six o clock we were ready to go. We went down stairs to get a bite to eat since we had no idea what was going to be at the party. Nat went to the cupboard and pulled out two butter-soaked chocolate chip muffins.

"Hey Nat, Mom says I have to drive..." His voice trialled off, I turned to see what the problem was and found him eying me up.

"Hello, Matt?" Nat waved her perfectly manicured arms in front of him face.

"What? Sorry, Uhm... She said I had to bring you two to the party." He snapped out of his stare.

"Okay, we will be ready to leave in five." Nat grabbed my forearms, dragging me back up to her room to put the final few touches to my face.

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