First Day Of School

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After we finish our breakfast we start to drive towards our high school. "Rose if anyone hurts you in anyway shape or form just tell me.I'm not that sweet innocent girl I was before.Your the only person I care about and if someone hurts you.I'll hurt them."Don't you think I know this believe me if I get hurt I'll tell you.Which will never happen cause I'm the best in the business"She repeats popping her invisable collar

"Your ridiculous"I say while pulling up to the high school. We both get out of the car and start to walk towards the entrance when we bump into Brittany (Sorry if that's your name) the "popular girl" of the school

Bri: "watch it freaks"

"Who tf are you calling freaks at least we aren't made of plastic

Bri:"You actually want to fight me bring it bitch"

Rose:"Angel just walk away she's not worth it"

Bri:Yea listen to your owner

"You wouldn't be able to get back off the ground bitch"(A/N Empire refrence Cookie is bae lol)So you should be thanking her cause if she wasn't here I would have beat your ass"

Bri:"Whatever Bitch"(She storms off)

*Rose's view*

"Let's go to class now Angel" I say while pulling Angel's arm through the crowed hallways. Finally we reach our classroom and we both sit down. You could hear everyone talking about that little fall out Angel and Brittany had. Before I know it Angel is standing up in her chair screaming at everyone, "Yes we fucking had a argument!!Oh y'all probably never fucking had a argument with her before!!Because y'all are too big of pussies to say something too her!! So unless you say something to her and stop kissing her ass, stay fucking silent!!" And with that, she sits back in her chair. I look at her and see that her eyes changed a different color. Meaning she's mad as hell and she needs to be calmed down. I look around the classroom and see everyone shocked and scared for their lives. It was dead silent."Calm down I'm right here,don't worry about anyone else except me and you"I say to Angel and I finally start to see her eyes change back to normal.The teacher finally walks back in the classroom and breaks the awkward silence.

*Angel's view and time skip to the end of class*

"Thank god"The bell rings and I walk out of the classroom with Roxy with me."That was some scene you caused in there Angel"Yea I know they just needed to shut the fuck up" But you scared the shit out of them" Roxy says while laughing."Yea good" I respond laughing. We finally arrive at the lunch room.We get our food and sit at a table. I feel Rose hit my arm "What now"I think he likes you"I choke on my food when she says that "Who?!?"

She points across the cafeteria and I look over Rose's shoulder to see who she's talking about. Its two boys that look like twins one with twists and one with a afro.The one with twists was looking directly at me while biting his lip.I quickly get up to throw away my trash."Look who has a crush"Rose says and pushes my arm."No I don't"mmhmm whatever you say"We both throw away our trash and sit back down at our table. After a couple minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder and its the two " "Hello belles" The twin with the twists say He- I get cut off by Rose "Hi I'm Rose and this is my sister Angel and she has a crush on you"The twins laugh "I'm Larry this mon frere Lau"Nice too meet y'all"Rose says"Well we need to go now"I grab Rose's arm and quickly pull her out of the cafeteria."Rose why the fuck would you say that"Its true isn't it"Yea but-"I get cut off again by Rose running around me yelling "Angel has a crush!!Angel has a crush!!"I quickly grab her and covers her mouth.Which results in her licking my hand "Ewwww wtf"I wipe my hand off on the back of her dress "Hey!!""Ain't nobody doin nothing"I say mimicking vine"Your stupid let's just hurry up and get to our next class."We laugh and start to walk to our next class

*Lau's view*

"She's grown up well"And she sexy" Larry says while biting his lip."Bro we are here to kill her."I know that,but still"Wow mon frere"Lau what about that Rose chick "yea she sexy""Lau non that!!what are we going to do with her"I non know we figure this out when the time comes"Oui" We both start to walk to our next class

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