Part 3

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After the whole fiasco, Jayden and I met up with the others and enjoyed the whole day appreciating art and spending time with each other. The Art Show ended in a success and the exhibits were given high praise in the monthly art magazines.

The fame had reached everywhere and gave Grandma and Grandpa the opportunity to go to Paris to plan another exhibit for the Louvre. This could only mean that they'll be gone for the next month or so, which was actually fine with us.

A few days afterwards, my brothers and I were on our usual routine which consists of Jayce and Jayden cooking breakfast while I start on the household chores. Then, by noon, we were lounging around the house with nothing to do.

It was like that for the whole weekend. At times we would go to our school and hang out in the library or the music room with Jin. Since the school's open even on holidays, nobody minded.

During those times, I was learning a new song for Jin and my brothers. I thought I could show it to them for Valentine's Day as a token of appreciation. I'd like to let them know that I love them and that I am grateful for everything they've done for me.

It was one of those days were time to me was just as phase waiting to pass. I was so focused in practicing on the piano for a piece I learned. Only the sound of another monotone chime disturbed the flow of music I was creating. So, I stood up from the piano seat and went to my bag on the table near the board.

I froze on the spot as I read the text out loud:

I'll be able to be with you soon my love. Just you wait. Till then <3

Oddly the picture attached to it was me looking at my phone at the exact same spot that I am right now.

A cold chill bounded me to here I stand as my hand trembled while holding my phone. The sudden image of a man appearing by the window flew in my mind and my instinct instantly took over.

I ran to the door leaving my stuff behind. I couldn't think straight and the fear of someone getting me was giving me a hard time breathing. I could feel myself panic as a figure as appeared at the doorway.

This is it, I'm done for.

I suddenly felt myself caught in between two strong arms and fought hard just to get out. But the more I struggle, the more the arms held on to me.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I shouted as I closed my eyes and flailed my arms around to escape.

"Relax Kat!" a familiar voice said, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Jayce?" I stopped struggling and hugged him then and there. "Jayce! Oh my God, its you! I thought it was someone else! I thought- I thought-"

"Hey its alright." He said hugging me back. He then rubbed my back to soothe me and kissed the top of my head. "It'll be alright. We're here for you Kat. We're all here."

I pulled away and saw Jayden and Jin with worried looks on their faces. They asked me what happened so I was forced to reiterate the incident to them.

"You shouldn't stay here for too long Kat." Jin as he patted me on the back, "not with that creep roaming on and about. You're lucky Jayden reminded us that your still here or else we could've left without you."

"B-But, I was just practicing."

"Practicing what?"

I felt my cheeks feel warm again but I managed to answer, "A song for you. T-to show you that I'm grateful for the things you do for me."

"Ain't that sweet?" Jayden piped in, "Can we hear it then?"

"No." I answered. "It has to be for Valentine's day."

"Sorry, but we can't wait that long. Can't you at least play it for us? You don't have to sing it."

They all put on their puppy dog eyes just for me, so there's no helping it. I played the song on the piano, letting out a soft hum as I did so. During that time, their gazes were glued on me making me blush because of all the attention I was receiving. Their making it hard for me to choose between them on purpose.

When I stopped, the crew thanked me and called it a day then we headed home.


I hoped you guys liked it! watch out for part 4!!!


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