Fifth Chapter

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"Wendy?" she called as she took a step forward. "Wendy, is that you?"

Cherry and Marcia stood there waiting for me to turn to them, I knew. Since I was too embarrassed and afraid to be seen with him, I closed my eyes and mumbled my prays. Please go away.. Please go. Dally's gaze drew, from me to Cherry, then back to me while I prayed silently with my eyes tightly closed. The few hot tears were drying by my cheeks.

"What are you guys doin' here huh?" He asked, narrowly, then shooed. "Get outta here, ya damn socs! You make me sick."

Surprised, my eyes lit open. Dallas sure didn't seem to care whether it was a lady or not, he'd express how annoyed they made him feel. Even if it was Cherry, the soc he tried to pick up in the past.

"You're the greaser." Marcia's fancy voice pointed out, disrespectfully. "I bet you don't even com-"

"Marcia..!" Cherry snapped abruptly so she'd keep her mouth shut. "Come on. We must get going."

They left after that, with Marcia whispering something to Cherry. From the sound of Marcia's voice getting lower through each word, and she seemed sorry. The type of sorry mixed with fear. Barely anybody would start something with Dallas Winston. I wiped my tears then finally paced back and realized that many people were watching. But now, they returned to whatever they were doing.

"Here." Dally's voice struck as he set something on my lap.

I faced him. "Huh?" He had given me his shoes to wear, which were black combat boots. This left him barefoot. He didn't face me, and that had me wondering if he was embarrassed or just focusing on something else.

"Look. Are you gonna take them or not?!" He raised his brows at me, annoyed. I didn't realize I kept my gaze on him.

Surprised, my eyes widened. Then a grin appeared with it too and I gripped my arms around the boots. "Thanks."

Awkward silence approached. My smile disappeared slowly after that.

"Tsk. Shouldn't you get goin?" Dallas smacked his lips as he pointed out the car. "Get out."

I hesitantly nodded. "R-right..!"

I gasped a little and got out the car quickly after putting on his shoes. They were quite wide for my feet but better than being barefoot. What he did felt too hard to believe. But obviously, he tried sticking to his tough guy act. I tried to hold in my grin. Then I went back to being serious as I stood tall and faced him, forcing a stern face.

"You WILL return the car." I reminded, with my arms crossed.

He sneered and winked. "No worries baby. It'll be back in no time." Then he slipped his shades on and drove off.

"Dally?" a confused familiar voice spoke.

I turned to the direction it came from and realized it was Ponyboy. He looked at me in surprise, that I was claimed, to have been dropped off at school by Dallas Winston, but he sure wasn't the only one.

"P-Ponyboy.. Hi." I waved a little, unsure how to react.

Now was my chance to speak to him personally about the Dally incident. I was still curious about why he was with him the night we coincidentally bumped into each other at the Nightly Double drive-in theater. But I wouldn't speak about it around Randy or Dallas that night.

I raised my brows in shock. "So Dallas Winston is pretty much, like family to you?"

PONYBOY AND I WERE SPEAKING PRIVATELY around school, ignoring the fact that we were already late. I felt kinda bad but I wanted answers. It was unexpected for a decent boy like Ponyboy to hang with a tough guy like Dal. Even if his hair was slicked back with grease, his personality caused a different look.

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