Forced To Get An Abortion

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Previously: Henry, Ray, and Charlotte were escaping at midnight from the hospital until someone caught them!!

Unkown person:" hey u guys there were do u think ur all going??....

Unkown person:" uhh answer me!!!

Henry Ray and Charlotte didn't look back but opened the window and began to run Henry picked up Charlotte bridal style and they kept running until Henry and Ray got tired

Henry panting "we made it

Charlotte:" I know

Ray:"that was a close one now listen its dark and we don't know if we're being watched so we need to be very wise and fast got it?

Chenry: " got it!!

Charlotte: "guys I'm tired and hungry I need to stop and eat im feeling lightheaded

Henry:" OK just stay here while Ray and I get u something don't go anywhere pls

Charlotte: "OK

Henry and Ray left to go get Charlotte something to eat meanwhile some foot steps were coming closer to Charlotte,Charlotte was getting scared but stayed still then she turned around to see the same guy of the hospital Charlotte's eyes widen she tried to run and scream but that guy was really fast and strong he got her covered her mouth and brought her to a dark black van

A few minutes later...

Henry and Ray came back with things to eat wen they came back Charlotte was gone

Henry/ray:" Charlotte!! Charlotte!!

Henry:"char I told u to stay here why didn't you listened to me?

Ray:"she's gone come on we need to find her

Inside the black van...

Charlotte: "who r u? Why am I here? What r u going to do to me? We're r u taking me?

Unkown person:" shut up!! U have me on the tip of my
nerves with so many questions

Charlotte: "sorry rude much?? I need to know who paid u to do this was it bianca? Veronica? My dad who?

Unkown person:" shut uppp!! The guy stopped the van and tries to hit her

Charlotte covers her stomach and says" pls no don't I'm pregnant The guy didn't care and slapped her right across the face Charlotte cries and tries to protect her baby

At the man Cave...

Henry paces back and forth while ray tried to locate Charlotte but there wasn't any signal of Charlotte any were

Henry:"that's it I gotta go find my girl and my baby

Henry chewed his gum and went up the tube

Ray:"henry wait!!

At the abortion clinic...

Charlotte was kicking the strong man but nothing worked he brought her to a room with lots of things inside and waiting there was Charlottes father

Charlotte: "let go of me u jerk

Charlottes dad turns around and says well well well looks like I found you

Charlotte:" dad wat r u doing? Why am I here?

Charlotte's dad:"not another word I'm the one who does the talking understand??

Charlotte: "yes dad

Charlotte's dad:" to begin with I know ur pregnant of that kid Henry Hart second ur here to get an abortion third were moving to another place maybe Florida and that is my final decision

Charlotte:" but dad this is not fair u only care wat people say of ur family

Chamrlotte's dad: "ur right but since ur still a kid I have control of you

Charlotte's dad told the nurses to tie her up and give her the anesthesia

Charlotte screams "noooo dad pls I'm ur daughter ur going to commit a crime ur going to kill ur grand daughter or grand son!! Maybe ull have luck and kill this baby because I am not an adult but killing my baby won't kill the love that I have for Henry and no matter where I live Henry and I are going to see each other and we'll get married have kids and there will be nothing u could do about it!!

Charlotte's dad:" shut up never in ur life dare to talk to me like that or else

Charlotte: "or else wat?? Charlotte yelled her dad slapped her twice ahhhhh Charlotte yelled of pain but the anesthesia is starting to work on her and now she's weak and said" I'll never forgive u for this then she got knocked out

Henry ran and he knew exactly were Charlotte was he had a feeling that she was were he thought she was Henry entered inside the clinic and he looked for Charlotte everywhere then there was one room left so he kicked it open

Henry:"I wouldn't do that if I were u

Charlotte's dad:"kid danger? Wat r u doing here?

Henry: "I'm here to stop u from doing your daughter an abortion!!

Charlotte's dad:" ur just a kid I could call security and kick u out!!

Henry laughs and side try oh BTW I heard u were looking for Henry Hart and u wanted to beat him up well I'll show you whos Henry Hart!! Henry slowly starts taking his mask off but someone said kid danger don't!! ...

Hey guys love you all thanks for reading my book and for the 1k reads hope you like it enjoy Dayana♥❇

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