My Percy Jackson OC

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You don't have to read this if you don't like OC's okay. I don't blame you. I just found this on my computer and thought that I should upload it. I don't want to have to worry about it anymore. Okay, i hope you enjoy.


Percy P.O.V.


 As I led some new half-bloods into camp a girl walked up to us. I faintly remember her. I think she was brought in as I was leaving. As far as I can remember she was in a bad state. She smiled and waved as she approached us. 

“Hi! I’m Ayden. I am supposed to show newcomers around camp!” I looked at her more closely and noticed that she had white hair. Weird, man. Weird. She also had an eyepatch over her right eye and a scar on the left side of her face. I was reminded of two people I used to know. Ethan Nakamura, son of Nemesis and Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. What was also weird was that she wasn’t wearing a camp shirt. It was a long sleeve purple one. 

“Hello?” She was suddenly waving her hand in front of my face. Oops, I guess i must have spaced out while thinking.... That wasn’t normal.

“How old are you?” I asked. I couldn’t get past her hair. She seemed to realize that and knew I wasn’t being rude. She twisted her hair which was held in two pigtails. 

“I’m 15. If you’re wondering about the hair, I’m not really sure what happened. I assume it was trauma because I am missing some memories from when I was little too. She smiled like it was no big deal but i could sense that it was a bit more stressful than she let on. She looked behind me at the two 9 year olds I had brought to camp.

“And who might you be?” she asked sweetly.

“this is Emilia,” I said gesturing to a brunette girl, “and this is her twin brother Joshua.” I gestured to a boy who looked similar but was taller than her. Ayden knelt down to their height.

“Are you two okay?” She asked. They both nodded and she smiled again. “Well then it is time to explore!” both children smiled widely at the thought of adventure.

“Oh and Percy I was supposed to tell you that we started to accept the younger kids here if their parents don’t think they will be safe at home. This means kids 6 and younger are running around, but they aren’t allowed to go into the woods, so don’t encourage him. Although thats just what Annabeth said to say.” She said that just as a bunch of kids came up laughing and jumping, walking a bit behind them was Nico. I laughed. They had him on babysitting duty.


Aydens P.O.V.


I watched Percy laugh as he saw Nico coming up the hill with a bunch of younger kids. I smiled too. Nico was a bit like a older brother to me, him being two years older. At least, that was our relationship at camp. I was a bit afraid that the kids would start again, taunting me, but I guess if Nico was around it couldn’t be too bad, could it? 

“Look,” one of the kids said. “that girl looks like an old lady with her white hair!” I was once again on the verge of tears as the kids started laughing about the “old lady”. I know that they are just kids and that they weren’t trying to be mean but it still hurt a lot. A few of the kids are nice and mind their manners, but most kids are just curious and make the observations without thinking about the consequences. I understand all of this, but still it was the sixth time this week and it was getting harder to control the sadness it brought. It reminds me that I am missing some of my memories and whenever I think about the missing spots in my head it fills me with sadness, but I can’t remember why. I took a few deep breaths and tried to put up my cheerful front again. Ayden you are fifteen. You do not cry.

“Ayden, it’s okay. they don’t know any better.” Nico said as he walked up. From what I knew he was acting out of character to the cold prince of the dead, but I didn’t care. He was the person who found me crying on one of my first days here at camp because of the old lady thing, and he had immediately took it upon himself to become my guardian and a comforting brotherly figure in my life. I could see Percy was surprised, and Emilia and Joshua  looked confused at the fact that someone so much older than them looked like they were about to break into tears. I knew that from my happy perspective not two minutes ago I must seem unstable or something, but the sadness is hard to control sometimes.

“Percy,” I said quietly, “Why don’t you take Emilia and Joshua on the tour.” He nods and takes them to the big house to meet Chiron. 

“Hey kids,” Nico spoke to the kids who were still laughing about the odd-looking girl, “Go find Piper. She might tell you a story.” The kids ran off without a second thought. 

“Ayden, they are just kids.” He said and hugged me. I bury my face in his shirt.

“I know.” I respond, my voice muffled by the material of his camp t-shirt. the tears come quietly for a while and Nico waits for me to stop before speaking again.

“Ayden. Don’t be so sad. At least you didn’t fall in the lake like Connor.” I smiled remembering how the son of Hermes had fallen head first into the cold water. He grinned at me and put me at arms length examining me. 

“You’re right Nico.” He grins again and hugs me. I hug him back. 

“There’s the Ayden I know.” I hear him mutter as he hugs me.


Leo’s P.O.V.


I watched as Nico hugged Ayden. Although Hazel was Nico’s sister pretty much by blood, Nico had become more of a brother to Ayden than Hazel. I guess it made it easier that Ayden was younger than him and she needed the protection of a big brother. When she came to camp everyone could see that. We all knew that someone would become her protective brother, just nobody thought that it would be Nico. I pondered this for a second and then gave up. All I really needed to know was that Ayden was a pretty single girl who hadn’t rejected me yet. And that I had to get through Nico to get to her.


Later Percy’s P.O.V.


“Hey Nico.” I had found Nico sitting by the lake just staring off into space, and decided to ask him a question.

“Yeah Percy?” He turned to look at me and I saw a slight flash of sadness in his eyes, but it was gone almost immediately.

“Umm. I have a question,” I started and he nodded for me to go on, “I asked around and it seems as though you took on the job of becoming an older brother to Ayden almost immediately after she came to camp. I’m just curious why you did it since you already have Hazel.” 

Nico looked back down at the lake before responding. “When she first came to camp she seemed really lonely. I didn’t really pay it any mind at first, but later I caught a glimpse of her crying over a picture of her and a boys with the words Ayden and her big bro written under it. I thought her brother looked familiar so I looked into it and I found that he disappeared a while ago and I knew what it was like to lose a sibling really close to you, so I guess I just felt the need to protect her.”

“Nico, what about Hazel? She’s actually related to you.” I asked still slightly curious about why Nico was like this with Ayden and not Hazel. Nico started to swing his legs before responding,

“Hazel has Frank and you and a bunch of people who care about her. Ayden didn’t. She only had herself once her brother vanished. that’s what I connected with. Not just the lack of siblings and family, but the lack of anybody altogether.” He smiled sadly at me quickly and I realized his thoughts had already turned to Bianca.

“I’ll leave you alone now.” I walked away, but I heard Nico mutter a thanks before I was out of earshot.

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