chapter 5: a novel approach

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hey guys so here is episode 5 for you, so I kind of cut down some the important stuff so that the last scene wasn't so long and I refuse to let Lydia come between Stiles and Aylee (sorry Stydia fans). thank you all your reviewing/following/favouriting or by sending me pms so please keep that up, I like hearing what you think goo or bad . You can also see Aylee's outfits via the link on profile, its named after the story and feel free to follow/ comment or send me on pm on Polyvore

chapter 5: a novel approach

After taking the very mortal pills Aylee began to feel dizzy as she suddenly realised that taking experimental pills that no one really knew anything about including the side effects but she knew in a way it was all worth it when she didn't get the usual visions she got from touching her mother's locket. One of the unknown things about these pills was that they also dulled the bond between Stiles and Aylee that allowed her to share memories and visions with him, to sense each other's emotions and allowed them to know when the other was in danger. If Aylee had waited before taking those pills she would have been able to tell that Stiles was in danger as Donovan placed his teeth covered hand onto his shoulder caused unimaginable amounts of pain as he scrambles to try and fight him off as he grabbed the spanner he had been used to try and fix his Jeep to hit Donovan with before he decided to run back into the school. Stiles ran into the the library that he knew better than Donovan as he hid behind one of the large shelves covered with covered with books as he heard Donovan taunting him by telling him that Aylee was calling him and offered to text her for him before telling him the story of how his father was paralysed from a gunshot wound to his T-9 vertebra, Stiles had to severely bite his tongue as he heard Donovan call his father, the Sheriff, a coward for following protocol and calling for backup. Thinking that Donovan had began to climb the stairs to the second floor of the library so Stiles decided to make a dash for it, however Donovan grabs him by the neck as they began to struggle against each other before Stiles climbed the scaffolding in the room and decided to grab the construction pin out causing several metal bars to fall on him and impale him. After watching the police respond to his 911 call and discovering that someone had taken his body as well as wiped the room clean on the crime, he decided to rush back to his room to update his mystery board. Stiles wrote theory after theory on his board as he stepped a side to think as the tears threatened to spill over before he got frustrated as he rubbed them out then threw the eraser at the board, as he did so he heard a small fearful squeal coming from his door.

" Aylee?! what are you doing here?" he said seeing her at the door after she clasped her hands to over mouth as she tried to figure out what could have caused this much anger from him, this was the reason she had worrying about him for weeks now

" I got worried when you weren't answering my calls.... Stiles, why do you blood on your hands?" Aylee said in a small voice as she tried to work out what was going on. She wore a pale green long t-shirt, grey leggings, green flats, a grey cardigan and a brown bucket bag. Her curly hair was in a ponytail and she wore no make up underneath her glasses which made her look younger

" I umm... I- something happened... Donovan came after me and I..." he said struggling to put what happened into words for her as she threw her bag onto the computer chair as she went to him as he fell to the ground in her arms

" shhh shhh calm down ok? tell me what happened from the beginning" she said noticing how strange it was to touch him but see and feel nothing coming through their bond as she realised that this one part of powers she missed

" Donovan came after me and we fought, he said he was going to eat me so I caused metal bars to fall on him. He was impaled by one of them... I killed him...I'm a murderer" he said as the realisation began to dawn on him that he was the one thing she hated

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