Chapter Four

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"Ahmm mom I put some camera in every corner of your house to see what's happening at night.We will sleep here to help you everyday is it ok?"Tyler said.

"Yeah that's ok.Follow me."I said.

We headed upstairs and I show what room they will take.

"This room will gonna be you and Kaith room ok?"I said.

"Ok mom thank you."Kaith and Tyler said.



Kaith's POV

I am finding the bathroom cause I will gonna take a bath.When I was gonna twist the doorknob of the bathroom.I hear a scratching noise but I didn't mind it.I think it is just Spike.Mrs.Rose dog.I proceed to the bathroom and take a bath.The scratching gone.I am finish.I am headed now in our room.I feel something strange now.So I look around.I see the closet door open.I check it.I am shock when I see the door.There's a one word that has been written and it says that 'DIE' weird.I close the door and go upstairs to get some sleep again.



"Hey Tyler and Kaith good morning"Mae said.

"Good morning Mae"Kaith said.

"Hey everyone eat your breakfast now."I said.

"Hmm delicious."Tyler said.

"Where's your dad Mae?"I ask.

"I don't know.I think he have a early work today."Mae said.

"Ahmm,everyone let's check the videos that caught last night by the cameras."Tyler said.

"Sounds good."I said.

We go in Tyler and Kaith room to watch a video.

"Okay guyz let see what happen last night."Tyler said and he click the play button.

"Let's see in the pool.Clear.In the kitchen.Clear.In your bedroom Mrs.Rose-----"His line cut off.

"Just call me Rose"I said.

"Ok.Let's see in the living room.Wait is that you Kaith?"Tyler ask.

"Yes.I am.I heard some scratching coming from the closet.So I check it and I see a word that say 'DIE' and--------------"Kaith said.

"Wait Kaith there's something wAtching you from your back while you check the closet.You see that shadow from your back? with a red eye? "Tyler said.

"Oh my God!"Kaith shout.

"What is that thing?"Mae ask.

"I don't know for now but we'll gonna find out."Tyler said.

"Ok..let's see.There's a demon in our house.Is that the one who hunting us?"I ask.

"I guess"Tyler said.

While we are talking about this thing we heard a loud bang like the shot of a gun.

We rush downstairs to check it.The cabinet fall but why?

"Guyz check this out!"Kaith said.



Hey guyz hope you like this chapter.Please comment if you have something to say and please vote and fun.Thanks guy!! ^_^!!

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