chapter 6

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As soon as trevor öeft to go get
coustudy ....since anna's mom didnt want her anymore...

Anna got sick so i left her on the couch. I went into the kitchen making me a turkey samdwitch. Then trevor texted me

T: hey, just got custody im going to go to the store do you guys need anything

J: yay , thats great! Yeah i want porkrines , anna would like some cheetohs the hot one and you know what the rest want.

T: okay ttyl

After i texted trevor i made my sand-witch and before i wanted to bite into it i heard a scream. It sounded like anna...

"Anna?! Are you okay"
She didnt respond she just started shaking like she had a seizure ..
"Stay with me" i yell holding her and calling 911...

And i just start to cry..

At the hospital:

"So this is the second time your girlfriend is in the hospital , this time we found something very tragic."the doctor said

"Yes doctor?"
"Your girlfriend is epeleptic , that means she will having seizures anytime...and you dont need to call just make sure her head doesnt tilt back...but she need to tske medication"

"Okay thank you".

I went into anna room and got her things packed and carried her to the car.


Im eptelepic? I mean what! Jc i love him but i dont think he wants me .. he picked me up because you could say he cares.

"Im sorry , i didnt want this to happen" i say
"Its not your fault anna , its just all the pressure" .

As we got in the door there was food on the table and that was the worst part.

"Sit down , were going to have a meal togather , " ricky said. And i cpuldnt just leave so i sat

"Now anna your not going to sot there and be depression-girl this cant go on now put the food in yoir mouth or i will" sam said.

"Really , thats what you think of me"

"N-no tha-" i cutt him pff
"Yes you did" i said and slammed the fork on the floor and left crying...

So peeps how is the story so far ...should i keep writing

bullied by kian  lawley/ fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now