Chapter 1

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Brooke's pov
I woke up from a horrible dream and it felt like it was real, is all I remember is crashing into a huge group of zombies and I'm here in an tipped over camper, I looked to see if anyone was here and they were all knocked out and than I noticed Riley in the drivers seat I crawled over to him with a really bad injured foot, I shook him and kept saying Riley and finally he jumped up and he looked way worst than me I kissed him and said "Come on Riley we gotta go help the others." so I crawled over to Emily and seen that she sprained her arm, I checked to see if she still had an heart beat and it was very slow I shook her and kept saying her name and she popped up and scared me I thought she was a zombie and she was looking behind me and I turned to see Rachel sobbing on kian and at that point he was dead so that meant he was gonna turn. "RACHEL MOVE!" I grabbed my sword on the floor and threw it at kians head, well he's gone I wonder how many more we gotta kill oh god I got up and fell. "Frick!" I screamed and Riley crawled over to me and said. "Are you okay?" I shook my head no and we crawled to the door and busted it open we climbed out and seen nothin but alisha spinning and chopping and killing zombies I jumped down limped over to her and seen a zombie behind her I spun and chopped its head, Alisha turned slowly with wide eyes and she tackled me with a bear hug and we laughed and she said " I thought you were dead?!" " I thought you were too." I looked behind her and seen the mess and all the the campers crashed into each other and I dropped to my knees and cried, Riley ran over to me and picked me up and I said "Brooklyn!" He looked at me and he ran to her camper we stopped at the camper and seen how smashed it was and Riley put me down, I felt a tear go down my cheek and I bolted in the woods and I ran as fast as I could and you could hear Riley's voice fading but getting louder every now and then but I wouldn't stop till I started feeling the pain come in my leg and I tripped up and seen a zombie coming for me till I seen it hit the ground with blood rushing out of its head and than Riley was shouting my name and I was screaming in pain and crying, Riley kneeled down beside me and picked me up and ran as fast as he could back to the campers because there was a couple of zombies coming and Riley kept trying to calm me down because I was screaming and I finally stopped, we came out of the woods and seen Alisha Emily and Rachel running over to us and saying is she okay and Riley said. "yes it's just she might of broke her leg." I looked at Brooklyn's camper and said " so their gone hey." "Well we really don't know because no one can fit only Alisha but we wanted to wait for you." Said Rachel. "what in the hell are you guys doing you didn't have to wait for me she could be dead by now you idiots, Alisha go in and save her oh and what about Zach and Maria and Cassie they could be dead too." I yelled. " we're so sorry I'll go get Cassie!" Said Emily. "I'll go get Maria and Zach!" Said Rachel. "Oh and Alisha get Jake too!" I was left outside with Riley and I was checking out my foot when I touched a bad part of it and I cursed and Riley took my foot and looked it over and thank the lord it wasn't broke it was just sprained so I put back on my sock and slipped on my shoe and seen Alisha come out of the camper carrying nothing and Rachel and Emily came back with no one. "Guys where are they?" I said. "No one is in their campers and I checked to see if josh and Joshua was alive but they weren't." Said Emily and I limped over to her and she had a tear go down her cheek so I wiped it away and said. "Emily I'm sure Cassie feels the same way but we gotta go and find the others now and catch up to them." I smiled and she nods her head. I walked over to Riley and seen him full of blood which always scares me, I grabbed his hand and sat by him. "So what's on your mind?" I said. "Nothing lets go!" He said. Well someone's not happy for some reason but I will cheer him up or something and we're gonna have to talk about it but right now we gotta leave because it's sundown so it's gonna be dark soon. I grabbed Riley's hand and we started walking towards the way I ran earlier and it wasn't for very long and a lot of pain came in my foot and I almost fell but Riley caught me before I did. "Baby your gonna have your foot broke just get on my back!" Said Riley and I jumped on his back and we started walking again but that's when the sleepiness came over me and I just dropped.
*1 hour later*
I woke up to nothin but a fire in front of me and I was in Riley's arms so I got up slowly and looked around and found a little stream, I limped over to it and sat on a rock and I dipped my hands in the water and splashed my face oh my lord it felt so good I've never had fresh water on me in a while and right than I felt arms wrap around me and I took out my sword and spun but I stopped because it was Riley in surrender so I put my sword away and ran to his arms and cried. "Riley we might never find them again." "Baby no matter what try's to stop us were gonna find them!" We went back over to the fire and fell asleep.

You guys should be so surprised that I made a second book, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter oh and I had it on Brooke's pov the whole time so next chapter I'm gonna mix it up ily byeee💕

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