Chapter 14

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A giant stage had been erected in one corner of the room; the band already set up. The instruments they were using were a little out of date, but I spied the obvious ones. I would be lying if I didn't say the first instrument I looked for was the piano, so don't judge me.

From what I could see, the balcony where I had fallen off was now decorated with lanterns and expensive looking couches and rugs; most likely some of Yubaba's things that were gathering dust in a storage room somewhere. In front of the stage a dance floor had been put down. What use to be the baths were now small to giant tables with so much food that my stomach became full just looking at it. All along the walls maroon material had been draped, and the spaces that were uncovered revealed giant mirrors underneath. It truly was breath taking.

I was so engrossed in the sight before me that I didn't hear someone approach me until a hand settled on my shoulder. I spun around to face the person and let go of a breath I didn't even realised I'd been holding.

Haku laughed when he saw my shocked expression, or that was his intention, but instead he stopped mid-laugh and stared at me.

"What?" I asked as I raised my hand to touch my hair, "Is there something in my hair?"

Haku reached out and took my hand in his before pulling me closer to kiss me tenderly. I was a little surprised by his behaviour, but had not intention of ending the kiss. He pulled away too soon and embraced me.

"What's all this about?" I asked as I folded my arms into his chest.

"I'm just... happy. Extremely happy that you came back" he said as he let go and pulled me to the elevator.

In the small amount of time that Haku embraced me, the entire room had started to fill up beneath us. We took the elevator down and weaved our way between guests, many of whom weren't that easy to squeeze by. Luckily Haku held my hand all the way or else I would have gotten lost.

I wasn't exactly sure where we were heading, but I hoped it was somewhere private. I didn't like the way some of the guests were looking at me. I mean, I guess it was pretty obvious that I was human and all, but seriously, it's not like I'm a unicorn.

The band was in full blast in their little corner of the room, causing a lively atmosphere among the guest. For some reason the dance floor hadn't been opened yet and a sneaky feeling crossed the pit of my stomach that the hosts would have to do the honours. All I did was pray that Haku didn't count as the host. It's not like I couldn't dance or anything, it's just that I chose not to in public... Okay, maybe I couldn't dance, but for some strange reason I still felt a little disappointed when he led me past the dance floor and onto the balcony.

"Funny to think it all started here," I said as I walked to the railing, suddenly overcome by nostalgia. Haku came over to me and put his hands next to mine, pressing his chest to my back as if he knew the cold breeze was chilly on my bare skin. He was about to say something when the band stopped playing and a voice travelled loudly from inside.

"Welcome, honoured guests, to the annual Spirit Ball," Yubaba said. Haku took my hand and we went inside, pushing past guests until we reached the edge of the dance floor. "I have no plans of keeping you from your evening, so with the opening of the first dance, I bid you all good night," she ended her speech and walked of the dance floor; the band starting to play once again.

I turned to ask Haku something, but his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me onto the dance floor.

"Haku, I don't know how to dance," I started to protest, but it fell on deaf ears. I pursed my lips and fell into step with Haku. Luckily a bunch of other people started dancing too, so no one noticed me falling over Haku.

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