
565 10 12

Ok dun da da duh
Here are your results remember to have added up all your points k ... K

Gray hates you
there's nothing to it . If you like him then sorry but most of the zeros where really rude so if your just trying to play it cool then you should change that a little. Then slowly maybe you will be friends and so forth so don't give up .(if that even makes since)

Your an ok friend
Your not his lover and probably a sister to him.
Although it's going to be hard to get out of the friend zone .
You can do it just make little things to say that you like him (on another quiz.)

He loves you
You love him and the same with you .
It's hard for him to say it but . If you had to Calculate It he loves you from the sun moon and back .

Hope you like your result bye :)!

What does Gray Fullbuster think of you.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant