Mike Imagine

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(Credit to: ourbandimagines on tumblr)

   "I am NOT drinking that shit drink!" I yelled at my uncle Vic. I've had this terrible stomach ache for two days now and my dad and him think I need a cleanse, thats why they are giving me all of these horrid mexican remedies. Shakes, lotions, oils, soups, you name it. They think I'm constipated. I have to admit, some of the things they have given me have worked a little, but the pain always comes back. Grandma would be so proud of them both, you know, since my mom bailed and all.

   "You know, you need to watch your damn mouth little lady!" He said in his most strict voice. But we both knew he was full of shit so we started to laugh at our very domestic conversation.

   "DaAAaAAAAAAD! It still hurts! And my uncle isn't helping." I yelled to my dad who was in the kitchen as I poked my tongue out to my uncle Vicky.

   "You are so ungrateful! All I do is cherish and love you!" said my uncle as he dramatically flipped his hair and left the room. I huffed and crawled into a little cocoon and held my self.

   "Listen if this doesn't go away by tomorrow, We're going to have to make an appointment at the doctors office." My dad said.

   "Sure thing, Mike."

   "Hey, I am your father! This means I only get to use your first name, it's the normal thing to do." He said.

   "Oh, wow. I didn't know we were doing a normal thing around here. Must've missed the memo." I chuckled.

   "Listen, the rest of the guys are coming by tonight for a friendly game of poker. Now, if you need anything, you know the drill."

   "By friendly you mean uncle Jaime will probably crash on our couch drunk, uncle Tony will accidentally give me the rest of his money once he drinks so much that he forgets his name and last but not least uncle Vic will finish off the night by singing Christmas songs on the living room balcony at the tippy top of his lungs, right?" I said out of breath.

"Yeah, like I said before, friendly." He said with his signature smile, squinty eyes and all.

I decided on skipping out on this poker night, as entertaining as they usually are, my stomach was still being a little bitch. So I went with taking a couple ibuprofen and a nice ol' nap.

I woke up to a tight feeling down south... like feminine south. I sat at the edge of my bed with my legs tightly squeezed. Muffled music played from the first floor on the house. They must all be here. I checked the time on my phone, 10:14 pm. Hm, the night is barely starting. I really need to go to the bathroom first. I might just have to pee really bad.

I ran into my bathroom and good thing because I was right, I was in desperate need of a pee session. Just me and the porcelain throne. Once I did my business, I reached for the toilet lever and noticed something wrong with my pee... it wasn't pee color. It was red.

I don't know what's happening. I quickly sat back down on the toilet and noticed a fresh red stain on my underwear. I was filled with sheer panic. I pulled back the shower curtain and turn on the water. Something is wrong with me.

As I showered I saw more red go down the drain. Maybe I need to go to the hospital. I need to see where this is coming from. I'm scared. I ran my hand over my stomach and lower back but nothing. I touched my inner thighs and there. It's coming from down there. I don't have friends my age or else I ask them. Now that I think of it, I don't actually know many girls my age at all. Being homeschooled my whole life was supposed to protect me but now I think it's affecting me more negatively than anything else.

As I scrubbed away every last digesting feeling away I began to shake. It was getting to me. What if I'm sick. I don't want to leave my dad. I can't tell him but... I don't want to be sick. How do I tell me dad that I'm bleeding from... down there?

Pierce the Veil preferences//imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora