Chap.2 Game

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A\N: OMG, i have finally uploaded. there is no reasonable excuse except that of procastination and i am very sorry. i really hope you like this. any advice given is very much appreciated :)

I never got used to the feeling of running, the speed, the exhiliration.Iit was like your feet never touched the ground, it felt so natural. I always wondered how Edward could run without slamming into any trees, now I knew why. My super microscopic eyes that pinpointed every movement, every little rustle of everything around me even to the tiniest insect.

     The others had spread farther apart around me. Rose and Jasper were on both my sides, Edward and Emmett were ahead and Alice, was nowhere in sight. I ran ahead to meet Edward but Rose and Jasper were closing in right behind me. Every time I tried to get closer to Edward the farther he and Emmett ran and the closer Rose and Jasper were.  Now they were on my tail, they were chasing me. Edward turned round and winked at me, I had no idea what they were doing but looking back, they were still on my tail. From the mischevious smiles I was getting, I guessed this was the surprise.

    A game. I wanted to panic, Jasper knew how to fight more than anyone in the whole family, afterall he was a soldier in the Civil War. Rose on the other hand, knew how to kick butt but instead I felt a smile spread across my face as a plan formed. I stopped just for a second to look back and that was more than enough time for Rose and Jasper to come charging at me from the side. I kept running but a bit slower. Just as Rose was about to pounce on me, I jumped for the closest tree. Rose and Jasper both jumped up after me at the same time and instead bumped into eachother mid-air. The birds flew out of the trees, squawking at the sound. Bodies like stone or ice bumping into eachother sounded like thunder, only in the middle of a non-raining day. As they fell, it looked looked like they were hugging. I giggled and bounded from treee to tree. I kept giggled as I imagined Emmett finding them in that position. Once I was sure no one was chasing me, I dropped to the ground with a quiet thud.


I whipped my  head back only to see Emmett as he started to wrap his huge, muscular arms around me. I slipped around his closing arms  and sped past him. I looked back once to see his surprised face as he hugged himself. I kept running and started laughing, I was having fun. It felt good to laugh it was that same bell chime laughter. I looked back to see if anyone was behind me. Edward and Emmett were about fifteen feet away.I decided to use the same tatic I used on Rose and Jazz. Thank God, Edward can't read my mind so he can't cheat. I started slowing, I hoped that this tatic worked. Edward's hand was almost at my waist. I turned around just in time to slam him into Emmett, who slammed into the huge tree behind him. The tree broke into pieces, with Edward and Emmett on the  pieces. I couldn't believe I did that, thanks to super strenth i could. I ran towards a stunned Edward and gave him a peck on the cheek and ran giggling like a little girl, leaving the words " sorry, love" hanging in the air. I've never giggled this much or felt so happy about hunting, but then again we're just hunting eachother. They didn't come after me. Now only one more person to handle, someone who is just about pixie-sized but a force of her own, Alice. How I'm supposed to beat Alice, I had no idea. She would see my every move and have me a counter attack before I even attacked and I'll just have to give up which won't take long at ALL.                                                                                                                                                                                

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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