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                   Say "Hi" to everyone, ask them their name, talk about their major, ask about their career plans, offer to sit and chat with them over lunch--but not too pushy, now--and be prepared to answer their questions in kind. Always make sure you're clear and articulate--but not stuck up and snobby--and that you're able to respect their opinion when they bring it up, no matter how appalling, strange, different, agitating, angering, bothersome, worrisome, insane, insipid, or wrong it is. Just nod with a smile, and ask them why they think that way; chances are, they might like that you want to know more sides to an argument. They'll tell you all about how Uncle Jim Bob decided to go on a drunken rampage through the house, how their parents are part of the ninety-nine percent and still doing a bunch of "cool ass shit" with their lives, or even reveal a bit of their own insecurities about their weight or their intelligence that you would rather know nothing about because you just met this man not even twenty minutes ago--but still keep that same, derpy smile on your face, no matter how uncomfortable you get. Acknowledge that you're secretly amused by what's going on, and continue to ask them about their classes that you wish you were taking, but couldn't because of your lame-ass first year learning community and all the classes you have to take for your major--but keep that on the hush hush while they talk about their basket-weaving class and their Astronomy 542 and whatnot. If you're especially ENTP, why not ask them about their AP credits that pushed them into being a junior in only their first year of college, and those SATs that they completely destroyed you on by, like, a thousand points? But don't get offended when they say, "Oh, I only got 2100." After you guys are done eating, politely excuse yourself--ask his name again and give yours--and go back to your hall of residence, where those INTPs and INFJs are locked away in their rooms, doing homework or goofing off or napping in their own little worlds. Walk into the lounge--see a couple of people having a secret, deep talk about personal feelings and shit--and walk right back out, knowing that you don't belong in that conversation. Have a seat in your empty room--you have all day, anyhow--and plug your 4th gen iPod Nano into your ears and listen to some White Stripes and Black Keys while you think about everyone else's social circles that you're not part of, have not been part of, and probably never will be part of. Remember that it's all okay; social circles have too much drama, anyhow. Sit there alone, listen to your songs, recall your lunch break, and try to plan out how you're gonna do it all over again tomorrow.

Have fun, ENTP.

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