Chapter 3: The cemetery

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I went to go see my mom's grave today. I felt pain, heart ache, and something that I shouldn't! First time I came since her funeral. I love her so much. I hate feeling this way. Take me back to the day I was happy. Suddenly, I hear something, someone crying. I thought I was alone so hearing this was a shock. I can't tell if it's a girl or boy so I start walking towards the strange noise. I see it's the guy from school! He's crying, but why? I stand behind him forgetting he can see me. "Oh shit!" "You scared me!" He says, while trying to wipe away the tears. Suddenly, I wipe a tear away without thinking about it. He smiles and stares into my eyes. "You have beautiful eyes; why were you crying?" He asked. As I try to turn away he grabs my face and whispers something in my ear.

As I'm laying in bed I am thinking of what he said. As he touched me I felt a tingle. As he whispered in my ear I felt a sensation I haven't before. When he grabbed my face I forgot that I was dead. He makes me feel alive again. The words he said scared me, but made me feel better about being around him. I mean I still don't know his name, so I can't be falling in love with him. It's impossible; right?

I don't know what he meant by what he whispered in my ear, so I guess I will ask him when I see him again. Whenever that is. I can't talk to him around his friends because they can't see me. I don't want to make him look psycho or do I? He would lose all his friends and I will have him all to myself! Now I sound psycho, but just five more hours till morning and I can go looking for him.

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