Oh dear.

106 4 8

Oh dear,

It was me,

It's not fair,

On the others,

My friends,

The people close to me,

Oh dear,

I've lost count,

Of the number,

That represents the times,

I've fucked up,

And also the hurt,

Oh dear,

Today yet again,

I didn't think,

Didn't process my speech,

And spoke out,

Offending someone close to me,

Oh dear,

It's only so long,

Before I fuck up again,

Before my words cause pain,

Despite the times before,

It's just how I am,

Oh dear,

Why people don't stay away,

Avoid me like the plauge,

I shall never know,

They say I'm nice,

They are wrong,

Oh dear,

What can I do,

To make them see,

To make them understand,

That I'm not nice,

I'm not sweet,


Just oh dear,

They have me in their lives.

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