When I saw it

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I woke up to the sound of gladers screaming at each other. Confused, I get out of my bed and stumble toward them. Why are they all screaming?
I don't want to get involved in a fight, so I decide to go looking for Minho. Minho, he is my boyfriend. He is so cute when he comes back from running, pushing his hand through his sweaty hair... I bounce on the balls of my feet and smile. Surely he wouldn't be involved in a fight?

After 45 minutes of searching, I give up. I head to get some breakfast and then back to bed. I am not going to sleep, just relax for a while, I think.

But I must have drifted off, because I woke up at 3pm to the sound of Minho's voice.
"My baby... You're so sweet... I am so happy that you're mine, don't let anyone see you!"
My heart turns to ice. Is he cheating on me? Right now, right here? Next to his boyfriend?!

That's it. I push myself out of bed and punch him in the face.
"Ouch!! Ouch, Newt, what the shuck are you doing? Stop it! Oh great, now the lid of my Nutella jar got a bloody bloodstains on it. Thanks."
I freeze. Nutella? Did he say... Nutella?

A/N: Okay so, this is just a draft of a not-so-serious story. XD if it get many hits, I will update it regularly and stuff. Also, I don't write a lot in present tense and first person, so sorry if this is crappy, mostly doing it because I like it, haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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