Tainted By A Player

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Edited. Now enjoy :) beautiful banner by VaineLuchia 

        Life is full of surprises. Sometimes it gives you choices, but it also just plops something down on you so hard you literally almost fall off your feet. Well today, lets just say that happened quite literally to me. I was walking along to my classroom, humming the tune of "When I was Your Man" completely unaware of the fact that this day would turn my life into a completely different direction. Like a legit U Turn.

        "I should've bought you flowers... and held your hand. Give you all my hours when I had the chance." I sung softly. I continued to sing, "Take you to eve-" but then stopped abruptly when I saw quite the spectacle happening before me. 

        A massive guy was running straight towards my direction in a speedy haste. Of course any one in my position would have thought he would keep going on this running rampage, but the idiot trips over his own damn shoelace. It was like a boulder coming straight towards a tiny cottage. The tiny cottage being the small 5'1 girl. 

        But this small cottage wasn’t going get smushed and let the boulder keep on rolling. What people didn’t know was that this cottage was pretty damn strong. 

        The idiot guy screamed like a little girl, but before he hit the ground I moved out of the way to a position where I could catch him. I bent my arms to a spot where he would fit right in when he fell closer to the ground... hopefully. Whatever. If he hits the ground it's his own damn fault. At least I tried. I felt a hard impact on my upper arms and realized I caught his torso. Slowly, I stood up and brought his torso with me. I was about to move away from this idiot so I wouldn’t catch his stupidity, but life apparently didn’t want me to avoid that. His arms wrapped around me tightly. His face ended up buried in my neck but his mouth was still moving... unfortunately.

        "Mother fucker, help me!" he shouted repeatedly.

        When I caught my breath, I rolled my eyes. What a wimp.

        "Shut up. You're actually standing," I said annoyed completely. 

        Seeming to finally notice this obvious fact, he immediately stood upright on his own again. The boy scratched the back of his neck smiling sheepishly.

        "Sorry about freaking out like that," he muttered, "I kind of have a phobia of falling. I swear, I'm usually not this lame."

        "Ok..." I drawled out, “Like I actually give a damn.”

        I was about to walk away because all I had wanted to do was get to class on time, but the guy grabbed my arm and chuckled, "I still have to thank you."

        "I’ll take that as your thanks and therefore, you just did."

        He started to smile, "Not really.”

        Then his eyes lit up like he thought of something intelligent. I really wouldn’t count on it though.

  “You know it's kind of ironic. Usually in movies the guy catches the girl, not the other way around. That’s how its supposed to go right? Does that make me the damsel in distress?” He said as his voice went up ten notches when he said the word damsel. 

        My right eye twitched. Could he just shut up? I wanted to get out of class and never see this kid again. But of course with my luck, that would never happen.

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