Chapter 2~ Life is a mess and so are we.

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November 14th, 2:18 pm, Cafeteria in London Hospital

"Thanks" Niall replied with a smile to the lady over the counter as he swiftly took the two coffees to his hands "Your welcome dear" said the grey-haired lady. Niall turned to face Louis and extended his hand "Here" Niall offered "Yeah thanks".

The pair sat down on a bench furthest away from the crowd of people and began their long awaited conversation. "So," Niall looked over at Louis and smiled "Did I mention I'm having a new nephew slash niece soon?" Niall asked. Louis chuckled. "Yeah, third time today bud" Louis answered, his face finally morphing into a genuine smile.

Niall had always been the fun and cheerful lad out of the group, putting a smile on everyone's face without fail. Who couldn't smile when they saw this giggly blonde-haired leprechaun.

"Oh what about the fact that Liam got batshit drunk when Sophia said that she was thinking of having kids" Niall continued laughing a little too much by the end of his sentence. But that was just Niall. Louis laughed along with him.

He missed this--Hell who wouldn't miss this. Niall was Louis' best friend, well apart from the other lads-Zayn included. "You talk with Zayn?" Louis asked a smile still lingering on his face. Niall kept talking, his expression not changing one bit "Oh yeah yeah, had a drink with him 'bout a week ago, some very much needed catching up" Niall replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Seems like things with Perrie have finally resumed once more".

"Oh really?" Louis asked his eyes slightly widened "Yeah, Jeez 5 years and I'm still at square one, I really need to get a move on" Niall nervously chuckled "Your fine just the way you are bro, no need of all that bullcrap" Louis patted his back encouragingly "Live your life's while you can bud there's no going back"
Niall stuck his tongue out at Louis jokingly.

"Ah I met Harry yesterday" Niall continued. Louis' smile turned fake, like he was barely even able to keep it on his face "Really?.." Louis asked trying to be as casual as possible.

It never made sense to Louis- well maybe it did but whenever someone mentioned the cheeky curly haired green eyed boy's name, his stomach filled with butterflies- and no, not the nice ones that make you feel all tingly inside- something more related to guilt maybe.

In the past, more like three years ago, if someone did mention his name, sure his stomach filled with butterflies, and he happily let them because why? He could honestly and truly say that he was- in fact- in love with his bestfriend, and fellow band mate, Harry Styles, but now 3 years later those butterflies whom he happily accepted turned against him, and against his own will.

"Yeah we talked, said something bout a drunk call" Niall raised his eyebrow and a smile was tugging at the end of his lips. Louis' eyes widened, he had completely forgotten about, but it was always sitting at the back of his mind, waiting to be called upon so he could be torched at the thought of 'it'. And 'it' being Louis calling Harry in the middle of the night on a warm July night/morning whilst being piss drunk

"Uh yeah.. It was just random.." Louis replied looking down at the brim of the coffee cup which was presumably much more easier to do than the quite awkward conversation which was about to take place.

"He told me all about it, didn't sound random to me" Niall said, a smirk apparent on his lips. When it came to anything involving Louis and Harry, Niall was the first to know. It had always been like that, Niall was the Captain Of The Larries, as he liked to call it.

"Got pretty intense by the end of it I heard" Niall continued slyly and eyed Louis waiting for his reply "I wanted to apologise" Louis said under his breath. He really did want to apologise to him though, he just couldn't get him self to talk to him after that. "You should," Niall said "He got really worked up about how you were mad at him, saying that it was all his fault and-"

Louis' gaze returned to Niall "Huh? What do you mean?" Louis asked his voice abruptly changing from embarrassment to concern "You don't remember what you said that night?" Niall questioned. Louis shrugged "Not really, no" Louis gulped, waiting for Niall to say something

"What did I say?.." Louis asked trying to make it sound as normal as possible, but it came out squeakily. "Told me that you said that it was all his fault that you were forced into a relationship with Eleanor and then later broke up with her, got Briana pregnant and he was never there to help you and-" 

"What the?.. That doesn't make any sense..I-Did I...Did I actually say that crap?" Louis asked, his eyes widening at the words he was hearing.

"First of all, stop cutting me of mid-sentence, and second, yeah apparently you did." Niall said, and Louis' face immediately morphed back into guilt "Uh.. But come on man, you were mad drunk.., don't blame your self too harshly" Niall said trying his best to ease Louis, not something he was very used to for sure.

Louis palmed his face with his free hand "But like you just said, I apparently did,..." Louis said exasperatingly and sighed "And that shit doesn't even make any sense" he continued under his breath. Niall looked at Louis for a few seconds, thinking of something to say until he finally got an idea, an idea which made his face light up with excitement

"Hey why don't we go meet Harry tonight Eh?" Niall asked confidently "You guys can talk it out". Louis looked at Niall and considered his offer "Depends on what's up with Briana,.. If it's ok with her,.." Louis looked down and continued in a smaller voice and couldn't help the small smile that was appearing on his face "...I'll come..".

Niall smiled cheekily "Great! It'll be like a reunion then?..Liam excluded though" Niall jokingly pouted "Can't we get him to come? Where is he?" Louis questioned "He's at some ski trip getaway of some sort, some place with a weird name" Niall replies. "Eh.. Too bad then, his loss".

3:46 pm, Cole's Office.

"So Louis there's not much you really need to worry about" Cole said with a tiny ounce of doubt lining his voice as he went on looking at the file in his hands with Louis and Briana seated in front of him and Niall leaning against the doorframe.

"It's quite normal for Briana to have pain during the second trimester, it's because her utera-"

"Ok no" Louis held up is hand to signal for Cole to stop "I don't need all that uh unnecessary information" Louis said uncomfortably, his face flushed. Cole snorted humorously, but then his face morphed back into seriousness

"Although,.." He looked back at the file and again at Louis and Briana "I do have a few concerns.." Cole paused and his gaze shifted to Briana "Briana, you're gonna have to keep a close eye on yourself, tell me if the pain gets worse, yeah?" Cole said and Briana nodded, then he looked at Louis "Take care of her 'k? Tell me if anything changes in the next 24 hours" Cole said and kept his file on his table and Louis replied with a nod. "But why?" Louis asked. "Well I'm just saying to be extra sure cuz pains during the third trimester of pregnancy could also mean early labour," Cole said sternly "So be careful" Louis gulped and nodded.

The serious atmosphere faded away when Briana questioned the three guys "So is it true that Cole saved Harry from a presumably uncomfortable death?" The room erupted with laughs

"But I don't think you know the entire story" Niall said and smirked at Louis "You little fucker, don't you dare" Louis said mock serious glaring at Niall. Niall walked up to Louis and patted his back "This guy right here cried like a little b-" "OK, Briana I think it's time to go" Louis said getting up. Briana jokingly pouted "Aw but I wanted to hear the story about fetus Louis" Briana said with puppy eyes and got up as well while Cole and Niall continued laughing while Louis was inaudibly cursing under his breath.

"Fetus Louis,.. I like it!" Cole exclaims. Louis likes laughing, but obviously not being laughed at.

Yay! Second chapter. Ok I will confess the plot is pretty messy but I'm trying my best to piece it together and form a understandable story, so please bare with me. And I know that zerrie broke up but I'm gonna make them come back together in this story, but there will, however be a few bromance moments between Liam and Zayn. Cuz who doesn't love Ziam?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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