Surpassing Surreal

184 18 11

I have dreams beyond the night,

I envision worlds of creation.

I see wonders beyond sight,

I see a life of imagination.

Majestic castles made of play dough,

with military rabbits standing guard.

Sunshine melting a chocolate scare crow,

and lemon grass growing in every yard.

People sail in origami ships,

across a sea of sticky notes.

They whet their own pencil tips,

and scribble waves as it floats.

Images grow out of picture frames,

And experience a life of their own.

The air is pink and the stars have names,

Each heart is like a microphone.

You can rewind to moments you missed,

Then pause and make the memory linger.

If you can dream it, it can exist!

Miracles lie within your fingers.

Reality collapses in a poets dream,

Mental boundaries are completely lost.

We can make things not what they seem,

We fight off normal at all costs.

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