Chapter I

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What is a friend? Someone who is always there for you no matter what. Someone who will laugh with you at the stupid things and the very next minute will sit there and talk about the serious things. A friend is someone who you can see every day and still won't be bored with them. Everyone could wish for such a relationship.

Cage Parker is my best friend, AKA the schools it boy. He's smart, amazing at sports and extremely good looking. Not that I would ever tell him that. His ego is big enough without me boosting it even more. I have never met anyone else like him.

And how did we even become such good friends? Well, it's pretty simple, when I was five, I wanted to play soccer. But my mom was is a huge feminist, so she wanted me on the boys' team because they have more practices and more games. So, I was the only girl on an all-boy soccer team. And at the age of five boys can be pretty mean. Cage was always the one to throw stupid jokes and to tease me. There was nothing we had in common and teasing me was the only way he knew how to talk to me. One day I had enough of it and on the field in the middle on the game I threw a punch at his nose breaking it. After that we've been joint at the hip.

Now we are in high school and still stuck at the hip.

I laid in my bed looking up at the ceiling. It was cold in my room just like I loved it. I snuggled into my blankets trying to find sleep but couldn't. It was the last day of summer. Tomorrow morning I'll have to wake up and force myself to go to school.




Are you serious? I sat up looking around my room. My eyes focused on my window. I got up and walked to my window only to find my messy haired best friend. I crossed my arms as I gave him a stern look.

"Let me in?" He asked giving me a stupid cheesy smile. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the window letting him climb in. This was something he always did. Though we didn't really live close to each other he always came and climbed through my window. I never knew how he would get up, but my guess is he would climb the tree and slip on the roof and walk across to my window. Every time I would ask, he would just smile and say it's his secret to keep. I usually never locked my window, left it unlocked just for him but recently there was a bad storm and I had to lock up all the windows.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he closed the window behind him. I felt like a mother standing in front of him with my hands on my hips.

"Well, me being the greatest friend that I am came here because I knew you probably weren't sleeping." He said as he walked over to my bed and jumped on it making himself at home. He's been at my house countless amounts of time.

"Whatever" I mumbled as I still stood beside my window. I slowly walked towards the bed. Cage was laying in the middle of it, his arms crossed behind his head making his biceps look even bigger. He had on a simple white tank and some red basketball short. He manages to look hot even without trying. His messy brown hair, his brown eyes and perfect jaw. He was tall and well built. What girl wouldn't find him good looking.

"Cute PJS" He said with a smirk as his eyes traveled down my body. I looked down to notice what I was actually wearing. I was in a black tank top that exposed some of my hips and some gray cotton shorts that hardly covered anything. I felt my cheek heat up, but I quickly brushed it off before getting on the bed.

"Shut up" I told him as I pulled the blankets over myself. I laid down on my spot of the bed near the wall.

"Goodnight River." Cage mumbled from the other side of me.

"Night." I mumbled into my pillow as I cuddled closer to it. Cage moved and turned for a few minutes till he let out a huff and turned one more time.

"Stop moving." I said not even bothering to look over at him.

"Why is it so cold in here?" He asked from right behind me. I shivered as I felt his breath hit my neck.

"If you don't like it there's the window." I told him slightly moving away from him. He really didn't know what personal space was sometimes.

"Or I'll just tough it out." He mumbled as he moved slightly closer to me. I sighed and laid down on my back, looking back up at the ceiling. I felt Cage move and lay right next to me on his back. His arm was pressed up against my own and so was his leg and torso.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you want to run away to Alaska right now?" Cage asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"Like 100." I answered. He knew me too well. He knew I didn't want to go to school. I really hated school.

"Don't worry I'll be there with you all day." He said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at him. We were basically sharing my pillow at this point.

"You aren't going to be in all my classes. " I said with a sigh. I wish he was in all of my classes but that's not going to happen.

After an hour or so of dumb pillow talk, I could feel myself drifting. I turned to my stomach and wrapped my arms around a pillow. I could feel Cage's arms slowly wrap around my waist. It wasn't the first time we shared a bed. Honestly, we've been having sleepovers since we were kids. But it was never like this. He never wrapped his arms around me. Sometimes he would swing an arm over me or a leg or have his arm under my head but other than not there wasn't much snuggling. And I kind of liked this. I moved over slightly, and his arms tightened around me. I could tell he was asleep. His breath was even and slow, and I could hear a slight snore coming from him. It wasn't a loud annoying snore. It was more like a soft snore ever few moments.

I could feel his front press up against my back. I felt his chest rising against my back. In a way it was soothing. His breath was hitting the back off my neck. I moved back pressing myself more against him. I wanted to be closer to him. But why?

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