"And there he stood..."

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Heyo! It's time for the first contest!

Your story should include the sentence/sentence fragment "and there he stood". It can be in any part of your story, beginning, middle, or end.

Your story can be any genre. There is a word limit of 500 words and the story should be sent in by August 8th.

The process for story application is simple. Write your story, as either a whole new book or as a part in a book made specifically for contests. Please DM us your application. Commented or posted on wall links will not be accepted. If it is a part of a book, please specify which part.

There will be a prize for the first three places, prizes will be revealed later.

So, as a recap:

1. Says "and there he stood"
2. No more than 500 words
3. Due by August 8th
4. DM story
5. There will be a first, second, and third prize
6. Prizes will be later disclosed

Have fun!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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