01: The Non-Frightening Costume

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🎃 Fate Perkins - Oct. 27, 2015

Right after work, I was swept away from the restaurant by Blake who insisted that we go look for my Halloween costume. I wave a goodbye to a now healthy Rose and an ever so flirty Theo before I allow my best friend to tug me out the door.

"On my way here I saw the perfect costume for you," Blake tells me while tugging her coat tighter around herself.

Since our apartment and the restaurant were located very close to the heart of the city it was a short walk to where the various shops and stores were located. When we reach the Halloween store, it is basically deserted - costume and customer wise. I knew that any smart person would get their costumes soon but because of the late invite (if you could call it an invite) I thought I'd have nothing to do on the day kids adored.

"There is nothing here," I tell Blake when she starts heading toward the person at the front desk. My eyes scan over the racks only seeing the lame, hideous costumes left. I sigh and turn back to Blake when we reach the counter.

"Hi, I called in a couple of days ago and asked to reserve a costume. The name's Blake," my best friend tells the twenty year old girl behind the counter. It was obvious that she was bored because the lack of customers here, she chews her gum lazily as she pulls a costume out from behind the desk. Blake shoves the plastic bag into my arms before paying the girl. "Thank you!"

I can barely even blink before Blake is shoving me out of the store and walking in the direction back to our apartment. I take that time to look down at the costume she'd gotten for me and I regret it immediately. 

"I am not wearing this," I tell the red head as I speed up to walk beside her. "That is way too provocative for my taste."

"Exactly why I got it." Blake grins at me before pushing open the doors of Starbucks. "It's Halloween, Fate. It's a night to be whoever the hell you want to be. Well, whoever the hell I want you to be which will be a sexy vampire."

"I hate you so much," I mutter under my breath once we reach the counter.

"Hey, Blake," Harry greets his coworker before his eyes drift towards me, a shy smile placing itself onto his face as his hair falls into his eyes. "Hey, Fate."

We both greet him but it's Blake who makes a conversation out of our hello's. "So are you coming to Liam's Halloween party?"

"Oh, uh, I don't know..." He looks down at the counter before looking to me then back to Blake. "Not much of a Halloween guy - but Louis is most definitely into it! Says he's going to dress as Cupid for Rose."

"They are so adorable," I comment while looking at the menu behind the tall barista. "I need a cute relationship like that after all that happened with John."

When I look back to Harry, he's already looking at me. Blake had made it quite clear to me, as does Harry himself, that he has a slight crush on me. And right now, that is very obvious when his cheeks twinge pink before he looks away. He clears his throat, "Who's John?"

"Funny story. So she was so infatuated with this guy that worked at Forever 21 and they started talking and soon enough, they kiss. In the end, John turned out to be gay and Fate was his cover up."

"I don't think it's funny," I mutter while folding my arms.

"I don't think so either," Harry mumbles after me. We meet each other's eyes for a moment before he's shaking his head and asking us what we would like. Of course, we just tell him the usual - he's known us long enough to know that we are consistent girls and order the same thing every time we enter those doors. You'd think Blake would hate coffee because she works here but you'd be dead wrong - never underestimate Blake and her coffee.

"A vanilla latté and a java chip frappuccino for the two lovely ladies."

🌙 🌙 🌙 

(A/N): Aw, look at our baby Harry being all nervous around Fate, he is so adorable! Anyways, I'm already in love with this story and guess what! It'll have 31 chapters (granted, they're short like this one but still). I wish the other ones could've been longer than ten chapters but I wanted them to go with the date of their holiday but I wanted Niall's to be ten long just so Zayn's  won't be the odd one out since his holiday was on the 4th.


p.s. our cute little haz with an apron x

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