Chapter 32

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Calum's POV

They kept Zoe in the hospital for a few days before releasing her. James was let out shorty after her. Zoe and I are in her hotel room and we're laying down together just holding each other.  I turn to her and she's just staring at the ceiling.
"Are you okay baby?"
She turns her head and looks at me and gives me a small smile and nods.
"Are you sure?"
"I don't know. Honestly I don't know anymore." she replies.

"What do you mean?"
(Justin Bieber pops out from under the bed)

"I-" she gets cut off by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say as I untangle myself from her and get up and walk to the door and open it.

It's James. He's still has bruises on his face and he's still kinda messed up. His eyes are red and he looks like he's been crying for hours or like he's gotten no sleep.

"Oh hey Calum Is Zoe here?"
"Um yeah she's laying down. Are you okay?"
"Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Yeah of course." I say as I walk outside with him and close the door behind me.
"What's up?" I say to him.
"I feel horrible. I feel fucking horrible."
"Because I'm the reason, I'm the reason Zoe got raped. And hurt. It was me. I knew it was going to happen and I was working for Maddie and I just sat there. I didn't warn her. I didn't help her. Just sat there."
"James you did all you could do. You got shot for Christ sake you did help her. And you saved my life bro. If it wasn't for you we would probably both be dead. James you did all you could."

" That's not the point!" He yells  running his fingers  through his hair frustrated.
"I didn't tell her, she doesn't know, I can't live with myself for one more moment knowing that I did all that to her. The girl I "love", that's not me!"

"So what are you saying James?"
" I'm gonna tell her it was me."
"I'm going to tell her I set everything up."
"But it wasn't you it was Maddie."
"I don't fucking care! I still helped her! It's still my fault!" He says as he pushes past me and walks in the room.

Zoe's POV

"Because I'm the reason, I'm the reason Zoe got raped. And hurt. It was me. I knew it was going to happen and I was working for Maddie and I just sat there. I didn't warn her. I didn't help her. Just sat there."  James says.

I sit in my bed in shock. He knew? All this time he knew and he didn't say anything?

Tears fall down my cheeks. I don't try to control them. I don't try to contain them. They just fall.

I actually felt for him. I actually loved him. And he set me up. Just like that.

I hear footsteps and the door opening and I sit up as I see James standing there. Bruised. Beat up. Hurt. Pain in his eyes.

"Zoe." He says his voice barley above a whisper.

"James." I say softly.

"I- did you hear what I said out there?"

"Every word."

"Zoe please I- I never wanted to hurt you. When Maddie gave me the offer and the money I just had  my family's struggles in mind  and I just was having a rough time. But then-" he says walking closer to the bed and sits down and looks  at me straight in the eyes and says,

"But then I met you. Zoe Irwin. I met you and instantly feel in love with you. And that doesn't happen to someone like me. I feel in love with you slowly but all at once." (Yes I know it's from the fault in our stars don't judge me I needed something hella cheesy for this part)
"James I loved you to. I really and truly did."
"Then can't you find it somewhere in that beautiful heart of yours and forgive me?" Please?"

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