Red and His Wolf~Part 1

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Little red Riding hood, is not a girl. He's a boy, A very girly looking boy, But he has short brown hair and Red Brown Eyes, His messy hair covered his eyes, he was laying in a clearing of the florist, His red cape a few feet away, he has a black eye, "Hey Look! It's Little Gay riding Hood!" The woods man laughs and kicks Red,"'ve beaten me enough today....."His voice was very quite, hardly hearable, He lets the woodsman Kick him, The woods man was Bigger than him, and stronger, And Faster,"Look at the little brat! wanting more?!" The wood man jeers as he Kicks Red again,"" His voice was weak, A sound comes from the trees, a low growling noise, fear Filled Red as he herd the dreaded wolf, a Evil creature from the pits of Deepest Hell, Said to eat the weakest man alive,"Look he's finally come for you" The woods man smirks and steps back only for the wolf to pounce on the woodsman, Red watched as The wolf ripped the man up, suddenly instead of a wolf, there was man, A deep blush spread across Reds face, The man was naked, the man looked at Red, blood running out of his mouth, red passes out,

Red and Wolf- A Red Ridding Hood Parady,Where stories live. Discover now