16 And Pregnant ... By My Teacher?!

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*Okay . so I'm new at this. please comment and tell me what you think :D.*

彡 Introduction

"Melody! Wake up! Time for your first day of school!" Said Melody's mom , Anne , from down stairs.

She rolled out of bed heading into her master bathroom to shower and wash her hair. After 10 minutes in the shower , she walked out her towel wrapped around her body.

"Melody Gonzalez, if you are not down her in five minutes, I'm leaving you!"

Melody rolled her eyes as she begin putting on her clothes. As she applied make-up her phone rang out the song "Breathe Me In" by Consider Me Dead.

"Hello?" said Melody , as she granbed her bag.

"MEEEELLOOODDDY! Where the Hell Are You Chick?!" Her best friend , Amber, screamed through the phone.

"I'm about to leave home. Why?" she said as she walked downstairs where her mother was waiting.

"Mel, come on." her mother mother mumbled as she walked out of the three storage house.

Amber screamed through Melody's IPhone 4S , "Mel! Oh Mah Gawd!!" said Amber squealing.

"What Amber?!" , she said as her mother begin to turn into Vikings High School parking light filled with teens.

"Bye Melody." , said Anne as Melody got out of the car , as Amber appeared.

"Hey Mrs. G. !" said Amber, waving.

"Hello Amber. Goodbye Melody." her mother waved as she drove off in her 2012 black BMW car.

"Oh Gawd! Mel! Guess What!"


Sorry the introduction is short~

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