Dreams do come true

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Growing up, Haruka finds it difficult to deal with people. He has no idea how to express himself properly. Thus, being mistaken as a good-for-nothing snob. He's been bullied because of that. He receives a daily beating or two. But he shows no emotion, no pain.

When a new family moved right next to their residence, he didn't give a damn. Why would he? It has nothing to do with him. Their new neighbor paid them a visit and introduced themselves as the Tachibana family. Consisting of a dad, a mom, a boy same as Haruka's age, and a newborn twins. Haruka's mom told him to play with the boy. He didn't want to, so he refused. Still, the boy offered his hand for a handshake, saying his name is Makoto and he wants to be Haruka's friend.

Friend. A word Haruka never imagined someone would say to him. With his heart beating fast, and a shaking hand, he accepted Makoto's handshake.

A friend.
His very first friend.

Slowly, Haruka opened up to Makoto. They became the best of friends. They were the very opposite of each other, yet they share the same hobbies; swimming and playing video games. They even joined the school's swimming club. Meeting new people and gaining more friends. Haruka is still bullied, not as bad as before because Makoto is always there to back him up.

As the years passed by, Haruka can't help but be completely drawn to Makoto. What he feels towards the boy was not something a bestfriend should feel. It scares him. Makoto has no idea about his feelings. And Haruka wants to keep it that way.

He treasures Makoto.

He treasures their friendship.

Not everyone is oblivious to Haruka's feelings though. Some people had noticed it. They were disgusted by it. It's immoral. And they would do anything to stop this abomination.

* * *
The moon shines brightly as Haruka sat on the park where he and Makoto used to play as kids. Makoto texted him to meet there, for he has something to give to Haruka before midnight. It was cold but Haruka couldn't care less. The excitement he feels warms him up inside.

Suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard nearing Haruka. He stood up and tried to ran away. But it was already too late. Someone grabbed him from behind and threw him on the ground. He groaned, feeling his shoulders ached from the impact. How come his bullies are here tonight? What do they want?

They started kicking him. And he could only curled into a ball and whimpered from the pain. They laughed, still not showing mercy. Calling him names. Freak. Useless. Faggot.

Haruka sucked a breath. How did they know?

Ire, the leader of the gang, stepped on Haruka. "We should end this tonight!"

He pulled a gun from his leather jacket. Haruka's eyes widened from fear. He squirmed away. But he was stopped. What now?

* * *
Makoto noticed a group of guys circling and beating someone. He stopped on his track. He dropped the box he was holding as goosebumps creeps into his skin. No, it couldn't be. He ran towards the group and shoved the guys away from Haruka. He helped Haruka to stand up and stood in front of him, protecting his bestfriend.

"So the faggot's lover came to his rescue, huh?" Ire mocked.

Makoto punched him in the face. Ire stumbled down but his goons attacked Makoto. Makoto gently pushed Haruka to the side as he began to fight.

Ire took this chance and aimed the gun at Haruka. Makoto noticed and grabs Haruka, shielding him completely.


Ire gasped and dropped the gun.

"It's not my fault!" Ire said as he disappeared into the dark, followed by the other four.

Minutes passed but Makoto and Haruka still held on to each other. No one wants to let go. Makoto chuckled. "I scared them, Haru." Makoto looked into his eyes. Haruka smiled.

Makoto leaned closer to Haruka. Their hearts beating fast. Haruka closed his eyes. He felt Makoto's lips touched his forehead. Makoto backs away and Haruka opened his eyes.


Makoto fell down.

"Makoto, don't joke with me!" he panicked. Shaking his friend awake, he touched something wet. His hands were stained with red. Blood. Makoto's blood.

He called for an ambulance. As he waited for help, he pleads Makoto to open his eyes.

* * *
Sirens echoes through the night. The paramedic came and took Makoto away.

"He's not breathing!" they said.

Haruka stood frozen on his spot.

"Are you Haruka Nanase?" a police officer asked. Haruka glanced at the cop and nodded. The police pats his shoulder and hands him a box.

"I found that near here. It has your name on it. Come on, boy. Let's get you home."

During the entire ride home, the police asked Haruka about the incident.

* * *
Haruka sat on his bed, holding the box. He opened it, and just then, he began crying.

Inside is full of stolen pictures of him. He took a childhood photo of him and read the caption pasted on it.

"It was love at first sight." -Makoto

Tears blurred Haruka's vision. So this is the important thing Makoto wanted to give him.

He picked up another picture as he made his way to the bathroom. He grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills. Got a handful of it and took it in one go.

He layed on his bed and stares at the clock. Exactly twelve midnight. He looked at the photo on his hand and smiled.

"Happy birthday, Haru-chan!" -Makoto

"Thank you, Makoto." he whispered as sleep envelops him.

He dreams about Makoto smiling at him with open arms.

And dreams do come true.

- - END - -


The characters are fom the anime show Free!

Except Ire. He's a bastard, I know. But I made him, so he's my baby!

The story/plot is originally mine. Please don't steal it.

Thank you for reading!

July 27, 2015

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