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As dusk fell upon the day and painted the sky dark blue, two little boys huddled close to each other in a secluded area of one of the boys' room. They had built their fort there, knowing no one would usually use that area considering it was in the far corner.

"Jae Jae?" The little 8 year old asked his best friend.

"Yes, Dae?" The boy hummed back in curiosity.

"When are you going home? It's getting really late..." Being the eldest of the two by six months, Daehyun felt responsible for his best friend's incorrect actions.

"I'll go home sooner or later, Dae... Sheesh do you really want me to leave that much?" The seven year old asked and watched as the elder released a loud gasp.

"No! No! I just want you to be safe... don't take it the wrong way please.." His big glossy eyes bore through the other's own as he pleaded not to be misinterpreted.

"It's just that... I don't want you walking home alone at night... there might be a monster who'll try and eat you!! I don't want that!"

Despite how those words sounded so disheartening, it was not enough to put off a chuckle from Youngjae.

"Thank you for caring, hyung... I hope no monster shows up too...but seriously... I'm seven! I can take care of myself! "
The younger squished Daehyun's cheeks altogether and made funny faces to lighten up his mood up.

"Seven is still not a grown up! I'm eight and I'm not even half a grown up!" He flailed his arms way above the air, igniting an exaggeration as he proved his point.

"If it bothers you that much then.... I'll go home in about.."

Youngjae looked at his mickey mouse wrist watch and observed as mickey's short hand pointed at seven and his long hand at nine.

"An hour..." at the sound of this, Daehyun's eyes felt like they popped out of his sockets

"Are you crazy?! You're literally trying to get yourself killed!"

Youngjae grabbed a tight hold of Daehyun's shoulders, staring him straight in the eye as the elder gulped in intimidation.

"Daehyun. I live five houses away from here. What's the worst that can happen?"

The elder stared at him in absolute disbelief. Sure five houses wasn't a lot... but they were visibly far from each other... it's dangerous either way... even if the distance was short, it wouldn't change the fact that there were too many loop holes...

"If you'd give me a paper and a pencil, I'd note down all the worse possibilities of happenings that might happen to you."

Youngjae rolled his eyes at this but pulled out the said materials from his small mickey mouse back pack anyway.

"Here." He slammed it on the floor and watched curiously as Daehyun went to lay down on his stomach before he followed suit.

He chuckled inwardly to himself upon seeing Daehyun's still messed up hand writing.

1. Youngjae gets eaten by a monster.

Youngjae snorted at this. Didn't they just talk about this?

2. A bear pops out of no where and drags my Youngjae away from the city and in to the forest.

The word 'my' caught Youngjae's attention this time.

3. An eagle snatches my little Youngjae and they fly high above. But then the eagle gets tired because my little Youngjae's weight isn't as little as he is and so the eagle dropped him and he broke his leg.

My little YoungjaeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang