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Youngjae couldn't cope with the reality he was facing. He just couldn't believe this was happening. He had no idea how or why this happened but thinking of the reason just made his head ache even more. So he eventually tried to stop thinking about it. But how could he? It was his bare existence on the line here!
No one could see him, no one could hear him, no one could touch him.
After Daehyun had ran through him, he'd ultimately drop to the ground, crying and calling out Daehyun's name. But the latter never turned back. And so, he'd force himself back to his feet again, running after him and continuously shouting his name. But it was all no use.
Weird enough, he can touch Daehyun. He didn't go through when he touched him, but as soon as Daehyun would move the slightest, the latter's skin would always bore through his and he'd be all sad again. How was any of this fair? He didn't know if Daehyun could feel him, but one thing was for sure, it wouldn't help one bit.

Regardless of how incredibly shocked and upset he was, he chose to follow the boy throughout the whole night, all around the neighborhood, going through every corner, every possible hiding spots and had to end up tiring his feet up to their breaking point.

There he sat, watching at the police station as Daehyun finally decided to call it quits and cried in front of his mother and his own parents.

"Daehyun, what are you doing here?! How did you-" Daehyun's mom had cut down her yelling as soon as she took notice of how the boy was covered in dirt and dried blood, pajamas worn out and was barefooted.

"I can't find him, mom! I can't find Youngjae!"
He had wailed greatly and Youngjae could only stare with the saddest of eyes at how his bestfriend was. Defeated and lost.

"I'm right here, Daehyun... Why can't you see me?" He pointed tiredly to himself

"Why can't anyone see me?" He jerked his gaze to his own parents who were trying to help calm his bestfriend down with looks of pity and sadness in their own eyes.

"Daehyun, answer me, how did you get out of the house? Where did you go? What happened to you?" Mrs. Jung asked worriedly and in panic as she shook his shoulders rapidly.

"I-I just went out the window, climbed down from a tree, fell and searched the entire neighborhood for him! But I still can't find him! Where is he, mom?! Why can't I find him?! " He shouted and got ready for his mother's palm hitting his face again, seeing as she raised her hand at him much like before. But it never came. Instead, a gentle hand caressed his face and he got pulled into a breath taking hug. His mother was crying the second time tonight and it was all his fault.

"Why would you do that?! How careless of yourself can you get?! Do you know you could have died? It's good to care so much for a person, but drawing out your own life is too much, Daehyun!"
Daehyun hissed at every line that came out of his mother's mouth. Why didn't she understand? Youngjae was out there. How can she only worry for him alone?
In the light of that thought, he pushed her away and stomped over to Youngjae's parents, feeling like his mother had given up in him and Youngjae entirely.

"Uncle,... please help me find him..." he pulled on Youngjae's father's arm and pleaded. He didn't want to, honestly, since the man had been the least closest to him but he had no where else to go. Everyone was going against him. Why were they anyway? It's not like he did anything wrong.

"I'm sorry, Daehyun-ah.. we'll find him but I'm afraid you have to go back home. The things you did tonight were very wrong and you should never have to put your life in the line like that." Mr.Yoo spoke in a very gentle but stern voice, hoping he wouldn't break the little boy's heart any more with those words. It felt like Youngjae's disappearance had affected him the most out of all people.

"Is it wrong to look for him because I care?" Daehyun wailed once more, loudly shouting this time and unaware of how Youngjae's tears were pooling in on himself in the background. He really wanted to sack himself for not being able to do anything.

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