Telling his brothers

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*at the lair*

"I said no going above ground until patrol Raph! Do you ignore everything I say!?" Leo yells to Raph who is storming to his room.

"Not now Leo!" he snaps and goes the rest of the way to his room. He slams the door shut and locks it. He sits on his bed and wipes his eye of a tear that hadn't fallen yet. He takes a sip of water and lays down. He puts his face on his pillow and screams.

"You knew it the whole time Raph. Why the shell would she want you? You're nothing but a turtle, a giant turtle, a freak! For heavens sake she has a boyfriend who loves her, and she loves him too. You never had a chance." he says to himself. He squeezes his eyes shut and turns to lay on his back. Slowly drifting into a sleep.

10:45 p.m

3rd person pov

"Why did Raph get to stay home? I had a Crognard marathon I could have been watching!" Mikey complains.

"Because he's in one of his moods and when I went to get him he was asleep." Leo explains. Mikey nods and they continue to jump across the roofs.

"What do you think he was so mad about?" Donnie asks and looks at Mikey.

"It wasn't me!" Mikey says throwing his hands up. Leo shakes his head

"No clue, he keeps disappearing though. You think April and him are planning something?" Leo asks Donnie who immediately balls his hands into a fist.

"I don't know, what would they be planning?" he asks.

"Dudes! What if Raph has a girl? Oh my god! Raph secretly has a girlfriend! Ok I bet ten bucks there's a girl." Mikey yells.

"SSSSSHHHHHH!!!" Leo shushes.

"Ok, ok but still! I mean it would make sense right?" Mikey reasons. Leo looks at Donnie who looks at Leo and nods.

"I guess so." Donnie says and shrugs.

"Guys purple dragons 12 o'clock!" Leo says and they go to beat up the dragons.

-----after the fight------

"Well that was easy." Leo says.

"Leo! Don't you know to never say that!?" Mikey whines.

"Why not?" Leo asks and he hears a loud thud behind him.

"The kid's right. You really never say that." Fishface says. They all pull out their weapons and get  in a fighting stance. Razahr and 20 footbots jump from the roof and surround them all.

"Ok, never saying it again." Leo says and starts to take down the footbots.

"Thank you." Donnie says and follows his lead, Mikey does the same as Fishface and Razahr watch. The fight ends when the bots are all gone and Fishface and Razahr retreat. The turtles go back to the lair and eat pizza.

Raph woke up ten minutes ago so he walks out of his room with a comic and grabs a slice too. His brothers never taking their eyes off of him.

"Are you gonna watch me forever or just until I point it out?" he asks sitting on the beanbag and opening the comic they all stop looking at him and continue to eat their pizza.

"You feeling better?" Leo asks.

"Not really no but I'll live." he replies. Leo stands up and looks at Raph.

"Raph can I talk to you alone for a second please." he says and walks into the kitchen. Raph rolls his eyes, shuts the comic and stands up. He puts the comic on his seat and eats the last bite of his pizza. He follows Leo into the kitchen.

"Yes?" he asks.

"What's up with you lately? You're gone more then not and your more sad then you are mad. What's going on?" he asks.

"Fine but no laughing. A few days ago I met a girl. I was stuck in a giant glue trap she'd set and she got me out of it. She promised not to tell anyone about me if I hung out with her. I kinda pulled a Donnie." Raph explains.

"Man, this means Mikey gets twenty bucks!" Leo says.

"What?" he asks

"Mikey bet ten bucks that there was a girl involved in your weird behavior." he says.

"Mikey? He got it right? I thought it would be Donnie for sure." Raph replies. Leo nods and shrugs.

"Are you planning on telling them or should I?" he asks.

"I'll do it." he says and they walk out of the kitchen. "Looks like Mikey gets twenty bucks." he says casually. Donnie and Mikey both look at him with confusion.

"What?" Donnie asks.

"Mikey bet that there was a girl, he's right. I have a crush on a human who's dating someone else." he explains.

"No way! You pulled a Donnie!?" Mikey asks.

"What?" Donnie asks.

"Oh, we made this thing that if any of us fall for a girl who ends up dating someone else we would have pulled a Donnie." Leo explains. Donnie blushes a bright red and pulls out a ten.

"Here." he says and hands the bill to Mikey. Leo does the same and Mikey takes both with a huge goofy smile.

"I have one thing to say. Booyakasha!" he yells and runs into his room. He comes back out and sits down.

"What was that for?" Leo asks.

"I had to put the money away before Raph stole it." he says looking at Raph who just rolls his eyes. "But you seriously pulled a Donnie? And didn't tell us?" he asks.

"Yeah. I'm sorry but I didn't want you guys making fun of me like we did for Donnie and Leo. Besides, it's too late now. They said they love each other." he says looking down. Leo pats him on the shoulder and he looks up.

"It'll be ok." he says and walks back to the couch. Raph walks to the beanbag and pulls his comic out again.

"Welcome to my world Raph." Donnie says. Raph smiles.

"Thanks." he says making Donnie confused, "I hate it." he finishes, Donnie smile and nods.

"Yeah me too." Donnie replies making Raph smile.

Ok, so I spent 2 hours wrighting and rewrighting the end of this chapter but none of them were good so the end :)

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