Chapter 4

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•|Ross POV|•

They were all chuckling at me, I knew the little effort I made would be a laugh for them.

Nothing seemed to look right. A black button up shirt- What? Red and black plaid shirt- Hell no! And so on...

Rydel eventually came and searched through my suitcase. I felt anxious; I didn't know why.

Her pick was a plain white t-shirt, and a grey hoodie.

I raised my eyebrows, with a questioning look,"Are you sure?"

She nodded,"Yeah," and handed me the clothes,"simple but effective. Subtle but sexy."

The guys were smirking at me, all except one. Riker, who just wasn't interested.

He couldn't care less about what I did. Whether it made him laugh or smile, he had set out for blood.

I put the t-shirt on, tugging at the hem. I had to admit, when Rydel came to help me. I was glad, she had an excellent taste in fashion, must be her exquisite women side. Or just her lucky side, either way.

The hoodie soon accompanied it, and I was done. It all looked quite snug in the mirror, Rydel was right. It was hot, basic but hot.

Ryland wolf whistled,"If I didn't have a girlfriend, I'd be all over you."

I widened my eyes in alarm,"Ry, I'd like to think whether you had a girlfriend or not you wouldn't be all over me. I'm not the incest type."

He giggled,"Neither am I."

"Incest incest," Rocky began in a sing song,"it's the best. Time to put your brother to the test."

"And you'd know it's the best, wouldn't you?" Ellington interjected smugly.

Rocky's face fell in embarrassment,"No. I found it-"

"Okay guys, leave poor Rocky alone." Rydel said patting Rocky's chest.

Rocky smiled at Rydel,"Love you sis."

She returned a sweet smile,"Love you too."

I glanced at my reflection nervously, I had my hair trimmed a few weeks back and it hung over my forehead hiding my eyes.

Anxiety thundered inside me again, almost making me fall to the ground.

I had met Lexi's family before... all except her brother that never came around. Lexi told me he was a alcoholic, and extremely violent. I hope he doesn't come tonight, I really could do with just spending time with Lexi.

I don't know why I was so jittery; it annoyed me. Usually, I was able to communicate my feelings to my mind, but no. Tonight had me on edge, and I was close to jumping rather than falling.

Rydel walked over and linked her arm around mine,"Come on, I'll walk you," I smiled at her thankfully.

"Thanks, though Rocky has to come. I don't want you strolling around New York at night." I said firmly, knowing she would try and coax me around it.

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