Chapter 17

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Mavis' P.O.V.

I was flying back home to Scranton with Ville so he could meet my parents. Mom is beyond excited to meet him but, I can't say the same for sure about dad. He's never liked any of the guys I've dated I really hope Ville is a different story. So I am all packed and on the way to Ville's place.
When I get there I ask, "Ready to go?" He says, "Ummmmm yeah." I could tell he was nervous so I said, "Babe relax. Everything is gonna be fine." Ville nods as we head to the airport. As we wait for our flight's boarding call I hear some girls scream and ask for Ville's autograph and for pictures. One of them looks me up and down then asks in a snotty attitude, "Who are you?" I reply, "I'm Mavis Ville's girlfriend." I hold my hand out hoping she'd shake it but she says, "Yeah right and my dad is a penguin." Her jaw drops as Ville puts his arm around me and says, 'Let's go sweetheart." As we walk away I look back at the girl with a smirk of satisfaction. Ville says, "You handled that well." I reply, "Well hanging with Rick and the guys I've dealt with my fair share of obsessed fan girls." He says, "I bet but still I just hope you don't let what they say get to you." I say, "Babe it doesn't bother me, really. I love you." Ville kisses my forehead and says, "I love you too." I fall asleep not too long after we take off.

Ville's P.O.V.

As we landed in Scranton I woke up Mavis saying, "Wake up kulta." She asks groggily, "Are we here?" I nod as we exit the plane. Once we had all our bags we looked for Rick and Joslyn. Mavis spots them and says, "There they are." Once Joslyn sees Mavis they hug and she says, "I miss you Mayvay." She replies, "Me too Jos." Rick comes up and says, "No hug for your best friend I see how it is." She hugs him and says, "You know I love you Ricky." Then he says looking to me, "Hey man." I reply, "Hey Ricky." He asks, "How's the record coming?" I say, "Well we thought we were done then Seppo called and said the company wants another song on the record. I haven't the slightest idea what I'm gonna write." Rick replies, "Don't worry dude. I'm sure it will be awesome." His words were reassuring then Jos says, "Let's get you two to Mavis'." So we hop in the car and soon reach Mavis' parents house. I couldn't believe how big it was I ask, "Babe what do your parents do?" She replies, "Dad is a brain surgeon and mom is a computer engineer." We approach the door and knock and Mavis' mom answers the door. She hugs Mavis saying, "I've missed you sweetie." She replies, "I missed you too mom." Mavis looks to me and says, "Mom this is Ville." I reply, "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Collins." Her mom says, " You too Ville but please call me Olivia." I nod as she lets us inside and the interior of the house was just as nice as the outside.

Olivia says, "Mavis honey your dad should be here soon. In the mean time you two go up to Mavis' room and get settled." Mavis shows me to her room where there are band and movie posters galore. Mavis asks, "So what do you think of my mom?" I reply, "I like her. She's really nice." She says, "I think she likes you too." I say, "Great but, I don't know if your dad will feel the same way." Mavis replies, "Ville my dad is gonna like you. He didn't like any of my boyfriends in high school but, I'm not 17 anymore. If my dad doesn't approve it doesn't matter. The only opinion of you that should matter is mine and I love you more than you know." I kiss her then say, "I love you too." With that we headed downstairs where I saw Olivia talking to Mavis' dad. When he sees Mavis he says, "There's my Mavey-wavey." She says, "Hey dad." He embraces her in a hug then says looking at me, "You must be Ville." I reply, "Yes sir." He says, "Calling me sir makes me feel old call me Dexter." I nod as Olivia comes in and says, "Dinner is almost ready. Mavis honey come set the table for me." Then it was just me and her dad which made me really nervous. Dexter says, "Ville Mavis has told us a lot of good things about you so I like you. But let's get something straight. If you hurt my Mavis then all hell is gonna break loose. Understand?" I reply, "I do but, I would never hurt your daughter. Ever since the first time I saw her I knew there was something special about her. I love Mavis with all my heart and hopefully one day I hope to be married to her." Then I hear an "Awwwww." When I look at who said it it was Olivia. She says, "Sorry for overhearing but, that was really sweet." So we all went in the dining room and as we ate I complimented Olivia saying, "This is really good." She says, "Thank you Ville. I can imagine being gone on tour a lot you begin to miss things like this." I reply, "That's true. When the guys and I are home with our families we try to make the most of it. Don't get me wrong I love touring but it does take a toll on you." After dinner we stayed up talking for a bit before going to bed.

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