Chapter Two

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Lily's POV

I've been patrolling the corridors of the train for an hour now, just like the Gryffindor sixth year prefect told me to. I have a fancy badge and extra responsibilities; I can give detentions, take away points, and I hold more respect among my peers. Especially James Potter. I am so excited to see the look on his face when he bullies Severus and receives a detention for it. I am actually on my way to his compartment now, to tell Remus that it's his turn to march the hallways of the train.

Remus was selected to be the other Gryffindor fifth year prefect. In my letter from Hogwarts, which contained the basic information on the role of a prefect, it said that there is one boy and one girl selected from each house from the years five through seven, so there are six prefects per house. Therefore, twenty-four prefects in the whole school. One of the Gryffindor prefects- Julie (a sixth year girl) told me the basics of my new title. She also mentioned when and where I should patrol the Hogwarts Express.

I am supposed to remind Remus about his duties at seven o'clock, which is five minutes away. I can't help but wonder if he told his comrades about this. I bet James is at least a little bit jealous. I am actually not that bummed about Remus getting this position because him and I are kind of, like, friends. In first year, I only had Severus, and when he and I were sorted into different houses, I had no one (during my Gryffindor bonding time that is). I talked to several people before I even met James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter. James was nice at first, but then him and Sirius would always fool around and, like, giggle. I think James had just started liking me then, and he told the other three of course.

Anyway, Remus and I sort of "clicked" after a little while (not romantically or anything, just as friends). I started to realize that he wasn't the same as James and Sirius; his level of intellect seemed higher. As for Peter, he was very quiet and seemed to follow the two hooligans. Whenever the Slytherins and Gryffindors didn't have a class together, Remus would usually sit by me. Except when he didn't. Then I was all alone. Until I met Clara...

My train of thought is interrupted by a ruckus I hear up ahead. It looks like there is a crowd of people circling someone, and the commotion looks like it is very near to Remus' compartment...

"Everyone! EVERYONE!"

Sirius Black.

The crowd goes silent. "Please form a single file line starting behind Remus! Place your bets on this piece of parchment, and then GET OUT OF THE WAY!" he is shouting so loud, I'm sure the train cars on either side of this one heard everything distinctly. I am absolutely almost pretty sure that gambling isn't allowed. In the most authoritative way possible, I march straight towards the mass of students. I am only a few steps away from the center of activity now, and then I basically get ran over by a burly seventh year. I lose my footing, and land right in the arms of James Potter. Of course.

"Careful there, Evans!" he has to shout because everyone is speaking over each other. After he says "Evans", he winks.

"Thanks," I mumble, keeping my head down. I don't want him to know that my heart doubled in speed when I felt myself falling, and then doubled again when I realized who caught me. If he knew about my true feelings for him, it would be a disaster. It's actually very complicated; I like him, but I don't. He is so sweet to me, but then again he isn't. He is so loyal, but we aren't even dating. I would tell him to move on, but I don't want him to. I subconsciously slap myself across the face. Why am I thinking like this? All he is is an arrogant, ego-driven, jerk. But he is so charming. Another subconscious slap.

He isn't respectful; I know that I am thinking straight now. Maybe if he respected my friends and choices more, I would go out with him. In fact, I would go out with him if I saw change. He is making everything much more complicated than it really is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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