10 Questions

202 10 35

I know I was nominated a while ago but now I'm finally doing this. Ok so I was nominated for this by VidelSon, Insaiyanfromearth, Not_From_This_World, MysteryHarp, I_Love_Sasuke, Lesly126c, and AnsherinaG_10/AnsherinaG_Official. I think that's everyone who nominated me -.- . Quick question before I start. Why did all of you nominate me XD?! I'm not special! Ok you don't have to answer so I'll just start XP.

1.) What is your name?
Ally. Nah, actually I don't know who I told already but thats not my real name. My name is Alisia. And I don't know if anyone is going to say it, but no I didn't spell it wrong. You can continue to call me Ally though. Oh and not saying last name.

2.) What's your relationship status?
Single forever! XP
Idk it's possible.

3.)Who's your crush?
Irl, no-one. You can just ask my irl friends...if you can find them.

4.) What's your height?
I'm SHORT for my age. I'm 4'11". I'll probably be done growing at 5'0". No wonder no-one loves meh! Jk about that last part XP

5.) When is your birthday?
July 9th. You can figure out the year according to my age right?
I'm 16.

6.) Who is your best girl friend?
Well I'll say my irl friends without saying names. I have 4 best friends irl, or at least I consider them best friends (I'm saying this because we never actually say it XD). 3 of them have Wattpad but I'm not going to tag their names because they don't know I have Wattpad (even though I tried to tell them) or don't care. (Oh and the not tagging them also explains the "if you can find them" comment in question 3.)

7.) Who is your best guy friend?
Um, I don't hang out with many guys irl anymore since they have become annoying at this age.I'll say Insaiyanfromearth because your cool. (Lol I'm not good at talking about my friends am I?) Other than him my best guy friend is me big bro. ^-^

8.) What was the last song you listened to?
I don't dance by Lee Brice. Yea I actually love country music. :D

9.) When was the last time you cried?
._. Um...I'm suppose to be completely honest with this huh? Well to be honest it was Saturday before I fell asleep.... but it wasn't serious crying or anything . ^.^'

10.) When was the last time you laughed?
This morning watching Popular MMO's on YouTube :p

Now time to nominate 15 people. I'm going to nominate people I'm following that I don't believe have done this yet, sorry if you have already.

I guess you don't really have to do this but I nominated you.
One finally thing. I was thinking of making a 30 day challenge. I would add it to this book since the book is about me. If you've done it or know what it is would you recommend it? That's all I have to say.

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