Somewhere in Brooklyn

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Based on the song by Bruno Mars. Italics will be lyrics of the song. No need to listen to the song as you read. But if you'd like go ahead.

Jacks POV

I walked through a city in New York. Today seems like a typical fall day. With the fresh breeze blowing your hair. And the leafs changing colors.

A beautiful morning. I have to admit it was. Even with my miserable life, I still seem to see the beauty in this morning.

I'm 22 years old and single. I use to go to NYU. I work as a cashier in a store titled 'Santa's Work shop'. I live a boring life. No fun left in it.

I got dumped by the girl I thought I loved when I was 19. I was to blind by love to notice that she was cheating on me with my worst enemy.

But that's something else. I got in the school I wanted but I left my whole family behind. I use to live in Arizona. But moved to New York to study. But I decided to stay here since there's nothing in Arizona for me.

Today is Sunday my day off. I decided to explore New York more. I've only lived here for 3 years and I've never really have had the time to explore because of my job and studies. So
I made my way to the train station.

She was covered in leather and gold
Twenty one years old
I lost her in the cold
It's unfair, she's out there

Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn

I sat on a bench waiting for my train to come. I sat beside a girl who was humming a song. She had beautiful long platinum blond hair that blew due to the gentle breeze.

She had her eyes closed. Probably enjoying the breeze hitting her face.

"Its a nice whether were having today" I spoke. She opened her eyes and revealing the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. I could get lost in them.

"Yeah it is " she smiled. Her voice its so soft and reminds me of an angle. And her smiled made my heart skip a beat.

Little miss perfect sitting at the train stop
Red nike high tops listening to hip-hop
While we were waiting started conversating

"Yeah I really like this type of weather" I smiled.

"Yeah but I have to say winter weather is my favorite" she closer her eyes again.

"Really , I think that to" I sounded a bit energetic.

"Really? Cool" she looked at me.

"So how old are you?" I asked. Making her raise a brow at me.

"I mean you don't have to answer if you think its to personal or if-" she cutt me off by giggling. Her giggles cute.

"No no it's okay, I'm 21 years old, what about you?

"22" i said makeing her smile. Which I returned.

"Hey have you heard this song" she gave me a ear bud. I just noticed she was wearing one this whole time.

I took the ear bud and placed it on my ear. I like the beat and lyrics. We listen to the whole song together.

"I never heard it before but its a very good song" I gave her the ear bud back.

"Yeah its one of my favorites" she put her eardrums away.

"So what's your name anyways" she asked.

"My name is Jackson Overland Frost but just call me Jack" I smiled.

Before I got her name along came her train

"Looks like I've best be going nice meeting you Jack" she got up and gave me a warm smile before entering her train. I checked the front of it and it said 'Brooklyn'.

(uuuuuuuh) next stop Brooklyn

I have to see her again. Her train took of and I ran to the ticket booth.

"Can I tried the ticket for the next Brooklyn train" I asked the man behind the counter.

"Yes of course, the next train will be here in 20 minutes" he handed me the new ticket and I gave him mine.

"Thank you" I smiled and sat down in the same bench.

Why didn't I ask her for her number. I face palmed my self. I just need to see her again.

Finally after an eternity of waiting for the train and a eternity of arriving to Brooklyn I ran out of the train and started my search.

(uuuuuuuh) now I'm lookin'

She was covered in leather and gold
Twenty one years old
I lost her in the cold
It's unfair, she's out there
Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn

My search went in for hours. Until it got dark and I went back home. Im going back tomorrow.

On the street kickin rocks circling the same block
Green farm flatbush checking every corner shop
Tappin' people's shoulders askin if they know her
Everyday's the same back to the train

2 weeks I've been going back and forward looking for the same girl. I just need to see her again. I remember the day we met.

(uuuuuuuh) next stop Brooklyn
(uuuuuuuh) I'm still lookin'

And every night I replay it before I fall asleep.

She was covered in leather and gold
21 years old
I lost her in the cold
It's unfair, she's out there
Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn

Next day I do my daily routine. After work I went to the train station.

I wonder if we'll ever meet again
I wonder we we'll ever meet again
Yeah I wonder if we'll meet again
I hope we do somewhere in Brooklyn

I wonder if I'll ever see her again. I searched again. Hours passed and I checked my phone to see what time it was. 6:54 . I better be going since its almost dark.

I sighed and started to walk to the train station. It was in sight before someone stopped me.

"Jack?" The most beautiful voice I've ever heard said from behind me. The voice belonging to the angle I've been looking her for 2 weeks. I turned around and there she was.

The most dazzling, gorgeous, extremely beautiful creature in this whole galaxies was right in front of me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"I've heard you've been looking for someone" she approached me.

"Yeah actually you, I never got your name" I smiled.

"It's Elsa" she returned the gesture.

(A/N: yay I had to get that off my system. I've been think about this one for a really long time and now I finally made it. So how is it? You like or no like?)

Somewhere in Brooklyn,One shot- (jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now