The man that can't be moved

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3rd person's POV

Most people dont realize what they have until its gone. Others never even feel the presence of others leaving. This was not the case for Jack. After meeting his mysterious women they soon enjoyed their company on the daily.

At the prime age of 22 it becomes easy to live on whimsical decisions. Unfortunately a relationship need more than passion to work out. After a year of seriously dating Jack and Elsa found themselves arguing more and more.

When it came to it, both decided to walk away from each other. Poor Jack never really recovered from such heart ache.

2 years later he found himself on the corner of the street where they had found each other. He remembered every argument, every joyful moment, but mist importantly every time he fell further in love with her.

He came back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that. Their came a day he refused to move. He stayed sitting on the corner with a blank look in his eyes. After a few days of being offered help people began to steer away.

His face screamed heart ache, and the rest of him screamed Shower! His stubble even began to look more like a beard.  Jack had found comfort in the familiarity of the people that walked by daily. He recognized the faces that walked by day by day. To his demise none was the woman he was in live with. His only company was a picture of his beloved and a cardboard sign saying "if you see this women tell her where i am"

The corner became a campsite for him, this is what led to a lot of people taking notice, since that particular part of the city had a low population of homeless people. Not just that but Jack remained an attractive guy despite his demeanor.

He looked young and healthy unlike most people who lived on the streets. For that very reason it brought people to ask him how did he get in such a situation. Jack would often reply with his epic love story and his hope to find her again. Other times he would simply say "a broken heart equals a broken man".

On a very rainy day a police man stumbled across Jack being drenched and unbothered.

"Son,you can't stay here" the cop said as he nudged Jack with his foot.

"Im waiting for someone"

"Well how long are you going to be waiting here for in the rain?"

"A day, a month, A year. No matter if it rains or snows I'm always going to wait for her here"

"I won't ask again son, get outta here now". But the the cops surprise Jack refused to acknowledge him.

"Thats it! You leave me no choice but to-" the cop was cut off my an older man.

"Is there a problem officer?"

"As a matter of fact yes, this man is loitering and driving away business for the liquor store next door". Little did the officer know that the old man knew that wasn't true. If anything Jack brought a lot more costumers since many people were touched by his epic love story.

"Im the owner of the store and as a matter of fact business hasn't been better since this young man has been here" the old man smiled at the officer.

"Listen here sir, that doesn't matter it's still illegal to loiter here!"

Soon enough this altercation on such a busy street caused many people to get involved and coming to Jacks aid.

"Leave the poor kid alone! Don't you know he's waiting for the love of his life!"

"Boo! He isn't hurting anybody"

"Say hello to the internet!"

As soon as the cop heard that everything was being videotaped he raised both his hands and yelled back "Fogget' about it! This isn't worth my time" and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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