XIX: Home

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(Joey's POV)
A week later

Daniel has been staying here for a week now and quite a bit has happened. He has appeared in only one vlog, but some people are still suspicious. Only a few fans think we are together though, a lot of people are still saying things like "He's not even gay!" If only they knew.

Apparently some fans have spotted him in the background of more videos than intended. I thought I was being so careful but I guess I wasn't. I will just have to work harder if I want to keep our relationship private. I wish the music video was out now and I could explain everything. Just one more day until it comes out.

Our relationship has only gotten stronger in the past week. Daniel and I are closer than ever and I love him more than anything in the world. I now know that I won't care if any fans react badly to us being together. I know that no amount of hate will break us up.

Daniel has been looking for apartments frequently. Everyday he gets up and searches for hours on his laptop. I can see it causes him a lot of stress and I wish I could help. Is it too early in our relationship for me to ask him to move in? I'll talk to David about it.

I sat here in my bed thinking about everything until a delicious aroma wafted through the air. It is still early in the morning so I figured someone is making breakfast. I got out of bed and through on some clothes before devouring whatever was being made downstairs.

"Good morning Chef Daniel." I say as I wondered into the kitchen. I rub my eyes in attempt to see clearer and notice that Danny has a little pancake batter on his cheek. I walked over to him and giggled. "What?" He asked, noticing I'm staring at him. He is so adorable.

I reach my hand up to his face and wipe off the batter with my thumb, kissing him once he's clean. "Good morning to you too babe." He mumbles into the kiss.

I sit down on a chair directly in front of Dany so that I can watch him while he cooks the breakfast. Everything he does is cute. He stirs cute, he even flips the pancakes cute. Especially that little piece of hair laying on his forehead while the rest is perfectly styled is cute.

Daniel hands me a plate of pancakes with strawberries and blueberries on top. "Dany do I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you?" I ask as I peer into his shiny eyes. He giggles and I moaned in delight as I took my first bite.

He is the best houseguest. About half of the days he's stayed here he wakes up early and makes us breakfast. I never even knew he could cook. What can't he do?

"What are you doing today?" Daniel asked me. I don't even know. Freak out about posting the video tomorrow? "Probably just relax because tomorrow will be a big day." As I say this he smirks. "What happens tomorrow?"

I reached over the counter and hit him playfully. That little tease. I talk about the music video a lot so I know he knows that it's going up tomorrow. He is equally excited and nervous about it as I.

"Just kidding! I'm excited for that too. Today I'm probably just looking for apartments again." I groan for him, knowing how much he hates it.


Once we finished eating and discussing our plans for the day, I made my way upstairs to talk to David. Daniel left to take Wolf on a walk a few minutes ago so we have a while to talk.

I strolled into the office and knocked on the door. "Come in!" David called from inside. I entered the room and he was sitting on his laptop watching anime. "Can I talk to you about something?" I asked politely.

I was wondering if it would be okay to ask Daniel to move in. I'm worried that David will say he doesn't want that to happen. What if he says no and then Daniel won't have anywhere to live?

"What's up Joey? Is everything ok?" He asked while shutting his laptop to focus on me. I thought over everything I was going to say.

"So you know Daniel has been looking for somewhere to live for a while now..." I started and he nodded. "He is having trouble finding a place and I was wondering...can...can Daniel move in? Like permanently?"

I looked at the ground nervous that he would say no. David took a deep breath and took a while to think. This isn't a good sign. "Joey... You know I love Daniel but don't you think you guys are moving really fast? I mean you only started dating two weeks ago?"

I can't believe what he's saying. Yea, our relationship is moving kind of fast but I love him! And I want him to move in because if he can't find an apartment then he is homeless! Does he not understand that?

"David, he has no where else to live! And he can't afford somewhere nice so why can't he just move in here? It's not like our house is too small." I explained to him, becoming upset.

He just sat there looking at me. I could tell that he was thinking but I didn't know what about. "Just answer this for me-" David started slowly. I nodded. "Do you think Daniel is the one?" Why is he asking this?

"Of course! I have never felt like this about anyone else!" I truly do think I could spend the rest of my life with him. I know that's drastic because of the whole 'only met 3 weeks ago' thing but it's true. It isn't like we are getting married anytime soon but I could see it happening in a few years or so.

David is probably just making sure that this will be a permanent thing and we won't break up next week or something. "We will be together for a while. So if he moves in, he will stay here."

What if we do breakup? I love him so much but what if he stops loving me? No, Joey stop thinking about that. You will be with him forever and someday marry your Prince Charming!

I need to be more realistic. This isn't a movie, things don't always turn out the way they should. People break up, it's a part of life. I just hope our relationship is different.

"He can move in." David said with a smile. I stood there frozen for a second. Did he just say what I think he said? "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I said as I engulfed him in a hug and hopped around like a four year old.

"We're here!" I heard from downstairs. Daniel is home. This is Daniel's home now, he just doesn't know it yet. I raced out of the room as fast as I could and almost fell down the stairs on the way to him. As I caught a glimpse of my boy in his cute blue baseball cap, I smiled to myself. I love that hat on him and he knows it.

Once I made my way to him, I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I was only gone for fifteen minutes. This little guy was getting tired." Daniel said while giggling and petting Wolf. I had exciting news to tell him and I knew he would like it.

"I have something to tell you." I told Daniel. He looked confused but nodded, signaling for me to continue. "What would you say if I told you I found the perfect place for you to live?" A smile grew on his face.

"I would say you are amazing! How did you find somewhere so quick when I've been looking for a week and found nothing?" He asked. I ignored his question and continued. "What would you say if I asked you to move in here?" I said excitedly.

Daniel's smile dropped. He doesn't want to live with me. I should have known I was moving too fast. I should have listened to what David was saying. Why did I think this was a good idea?

"Joey I... I can't... Say no to that! I would love to move in!" He crashed his lips into mine. I stood there like a deer in headlights but eventually it all sunk in and I kissed back.

"I hate you!" I said jokingly. He psyched me out! "I'm sowy babe. Forgive me?" He said and gave me the sweetest sad puppy face. I giggled. "Of course."

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