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   Deep down, we all want to be saved. We want the easy way out, for someone else to come along and fix everything for us, a way for our lives to be magically perfect without us having to lift a finger.

   But if we spend all our time waiting for this other person, who, let's face it, probably doesn't even exist in the first place, then our lives will just continue to suck, possibly forever. Because there is no easy way out, I've learned that the hard way. But I've also spent years trying to make my life better, and I've also found that that doesn't always work either.

   In the end, it mostly comes down to luck. Without that, your hopes making anything better are pretty slim. Then again, it takes a lot of work as well.

   Back then, I didn't have any luck. But if the law of karma or whatever was right, then I was owed a bucket load. Because, putting it bluntly, my life pretty much sucked. But I'll get to that later.

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