Chapter Five

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A/N: First I apologise for the time it took to get this up. Second, I apologize for it not being thatt long. It's pretty short and I'm sorry. I didn't intend for it to be this short but it kinda just happened. I'm sorry if it sucks, I powered through writer's block and I'm kinda on the fence on how I feel about this and third, I have no clue I figured there should be a third thing xD 

Kasie's POV

"Mmm," I groan, opening my eyes. "Connor, get up," I say, smacking him.

"Wha-" He slowly opens his eyes. "Come 'ere," He says groggily, his voice thick with morning. I scoot closer to him since I had moved away from him during the night. My back is pressed to his front. He traces small patterns up and down my arm.

"Babe," I get his attention, seeing something on the floor that I'd rather not have our daughter find if she comes in here without us noticing. It was still there from where I had tossed it the night before.


"There's an unopened condom on the floor," I point out. Connor moves to look over the side of the bed, spotting the foil package.

"Um..." He says to break the slight awkwardness that was lingering in the air.

"We have to pick that up," I point out, not really in the mood to move just yet. I'd rather stay in bed with Connor all day, watching movies but Tyler's dropping Skylar off in a couple hours.

"We will don't worry," Connor reassures.

"Good because I'd rather not have to explain that to her."

"We won't have to because we'll pick it up and put it out of sight," Connor chuckles.

"'m 'kay," I snuggle closer to Connor and we just lay in silence. I think we drift back to sleep because the next thing I hear is the doorbell being rung obnoxiously.

"Connor, door," I say groggily then realise it must be Tyler. I speedily put on a tank top and sweatpants, fixing my hair and racing to open the door.

"Mommy!" Sky exclaims when I open the door, rushing forward to hug me.

"Hey bug. Did you have fun with Uncle Ty last night?" I asked her.

"I did! We had pizza and ice cream AND we watched Tangled!" Sky exclaimed.

"That sounds like it was a lot of fun!" I told her before turning to Tyler.

"Was she good?" I asked.

"As always," Tyler smiled. "So did you?" Tyler mouthed. I nodded. I'd told him that Connor and I were trying for another kid but just now got around to it. He hid his excited expression but I could tell he wanted to jump around excitedly. He waved bye to Skylar before leaving.

"Daddy!" Skylar exclaims, rushing toward her dad who was rubbing his eyes sleepily and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"Hey baby girl," Connor said, picking her up.

"Hi," She said, smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"How was Uncle Ty's?" Connor asked before prying her legs from around his torso then placing her on the ground.

"It was fun!" said Sky. "We had pizza and we had ice cream and we watched Tangled."

"Yeah? Sounds like you had a party." Skylar nodded happily then ran off to her room to put her things that she was carrying in the backpack on her back away.

*2 Weeks Later*

"Babe," I say, getting Connor's attention by poking his arm with my foot as my feet were resting across his lap as we watched tv one night. Skylar was sitting in the recliner on the other side of the living room, brushing out Luna's sleek, orange fur.

YouTube's Daughter (Sequel to Invisible)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now