Text messages- chapter 2

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I walk into the dimly lit coffee shop a caffeine aroma swarms my nose. I close my eyes and breath in the lovely smell.

The coffee shop isn't very busy so I take a seat at a table closest to the window.

Sighing, I reach forward and pick up the menu.

Holding it close to my face I study it for a while before finally settling on 1 espresso, 1 iced chocolate (I think that's what Phil had yesterday) and 2 slices of cake for us.

The waiter takes my order and I shrink down into my seat pulling out my phone. Phil said we'd meet here at 11:30 and it's 11.37. Dan calm down he's probably just a little held up.

I turn on my phone and enter twitter, my notifications are clogged up as usual.

I scroll through some fans tweets favoriting some, replying to some and then I remember I haven't told Phil yet. 

I haven't told Phil that I'm a youtuber with over one million subscribers.

But I mean that isn't exactly something you can just easily say to someone, 'Oh hey nice to meet you I'm Dan, and by the way I have like one million subscribers on youtube no biggy'.

This is my problem.

11:45 the time reads now.

The waiter walks up to my table and places down my order. She smiles and me weirdly and batters her eyelashes. 

I raise an eyebrow at her and she frowns and walks away.

The cake and the coffee placed in front of me honestly make me want to drool they look so good.

But I have to wait for Phil.

I grab out my phone from my pocket and snap a picture of my amazing food and drink and upload it to twitter. 

Steam floats up in front of my eyes and I realize that the coffee will go cold if I leave it too long so I pick it up and take a sip of it.

The warm liquid fills my throat and I groan at how amazing the coffee tastes.

Well I've started my drink may as well start the food. I cut of a piece of cake and plop it in my mouth. It practically melts on my tongue and I sigh.


The time is now 12:30.

An hour since Phil said he'd meet me.

Now I'm not sad or worried that he might not come, I'm annoyed.

Not just annoyed that he's late or hasn't shown up. But annoyed he hasn't even bothered to text or call and tell me why he's late or hasn't shown up.

Staring at his iced chocolate and cake is sad now because the iced chocolate is warm and the cake is all soggy .

I get up and leave some money on the table that covers the meal.

I walk to the door and take one last glance at the coffee shop and breath in the smell again. 

When I'm just about to push the door open someone outside pulls it open. I'm looking down to the ground and expect them to walk past me.

I hear panting and look up.

"Phil?" I say timidly.

"Dan" he sighs.

I stare into his deep blue eyes and I can see the panic in his eyes.

"Where have you been?" I question.

"Dan, look I'm so sorry it's a long story so can I explain it over coffee?" He pants.

"Of course" I say.

And we go and sit down at the exact same table as yesterday.



So I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and what I know it wasn't text messages???

What I was thinking of doing is like one chapter of texts, one chapter in real life, one chapter of texts and so on!

I really hope you guys like this idea because I want to write a proper story and not just text messages tbh.

Again please let me know if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar errors and I will fix them.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and follow mee!! :)

Bye beautifuls xxx

-Lucy x

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